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I have 4 region maps at max zoom level on the wall in item frames.

I can see the maps in Forge profile (1.6.2 latest version) even without ANY mods loaded but when I switch to vanilla 1.6.2 profile 3 out of 4 maps become blank and there are errors in the log (attached).


If I run around with a copy of one of the blank maps not far from (0,0) it begins to show the explored area and finally is saved to NBT as a non-zoomed map activated at (0, 0). After that the number of errors in the client log on game restart is reduced by one.


Please read https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-32511 for more details.


I wouldn't expect any differences when switching profiles and I'm completely befuddled by this behaviour. Switching from Forge to vanilla minecraft may cause the maps to be corrupted.

What do I do now? Can I somehow force the maps to be saved in vanilla minecraft-compatible format? I didn't even expect switching to Forge may cause this sort of incompatibility.

If you need more information please let me know.




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Vanilla 1.6.2 log


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We do fix a long standing vanilla bug related to maps that causes them to loose these data. Ill see if I can reproduce this when I getg home. But I would typically blame vanilla mc for this as it is a really long standing bug that has been in ever seince maps were added.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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I that's the case you really have to bring this issue up with minecraft devs.


I've tried 1.6.4 with Forge 1.6.4-recommended version and the maps are there all right.

Now I have a practical question - should I "load up important areas of my world before heading into Minecraft 1.7" in unmodded version of minecraft and risk loosing my map data or should I use Forge version and risk loosing the fixes for world generation bugs that 1.6.4 provides?


Thanks for your attention.



The change for 1.7, which caused the need for 1.6.4 are in Forge for 1.6.4 however we do it differently and we currentlyh don't have a solid way to automate the conversion of maps ffrom vanilla to forge. This is the same bug that deals with maps that you're seeing. Two dimensions are trying to write to the same exact file on disk when the worlds are saved. Thus causing one set of data to overwrite the other. I have brought this to the attention to the mojang devs and there reply is "we don't care because it won't effect vanilla" ya it won't effectg vanilla YET for structures as no two vanilla dimensions share the same structure types. Example being the nether doesn't have "Villages". However the issue IS in vanilla when it comes to maps as you see here.


So, for those who plan on moving a 1.6 world to 1.7 forge, I advise loading it into a 1.6.4 FORGE. If not you will have to do some manual migration. Unless I can think of a clean way to automate it. However the migration is simply moving a few files from. /world/data to /world/dim-1/data.


This is a bug in vanilla that they simply don't care about, but we at forge MUST care about.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


Thank you. I'll stay with Forge as you advised.


The change for 1.7, which caused the need for 1.6.4 are in Forge for 1.6.4 however we do it differently -

can you elaborate a bit on this? I've noticed 1.6.4 creates new Fortress/Mineshaft/Stronghold/Temple/Village.dat files. Will these files be in incompatible format or not used in Forge version at all?


They are the same exact format, except vanilla minecraft still has the same bug with maps.

ALL worlds save to the SAME folder.

So, for example:

Villages save to /world/data/Village.dat

Foretess save to /world/data/Fortress.dat


But in Forge:

Villages save to /world/data/Village.dat

Fortress save to /world/DIM-1/data/Foretess.dat


Why is this important?

Well, because say you decided to install Mystcraft.

Mystcraft has the ability to create any number of dimensions with any number of structure types in it.

If we followed vanilla's folder structure, we would have the overworld's villages colliding with the mystcraft dimensions villages.

BOTH would try to save to /world/data/Village.dat

Only one would win, the rest would lose there data forever.

And they would all READ from the same data file, which would cause the villagers to be confused and villages to be destroied.


But in Forge, we fix that by making sure everything related to a specific dimension, is saved int he specific dimensions folder.

So Mystcraft would save to say, /world/Mystcraft1/data/Village.dat

And never conflct with the overworld. And both dimension's villages would stay in tact and be fine.



Now, upgrading from a Vanilla 1.6.4/1.7 world is simple, you simply move Fortress.dat from /save/data/ to save/DIM-1/data

Simple as that. To convert back, you grab all the per-world /data folders and merge them into /save/data.

Thus loosing all world specific information and fucking up your world, but hey it's not a problem in Mojang's eyes so whatever...

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


This is a continued conversation from http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,12748.0.html

Now I have a practical question - should I "load up important areas of my world before heading into Minecraft 1.7" in unmodded version of minecraft and risk loosing my map data or should I use Forge version and risk loosing the fixes for world generation bugs that 1.6.4 provides?


So, for those who plan on moving a 1.6 world to 1.7 forge, I advise loading it into a 1.6.4 FORGE.

I followed the advise and started to "load up important areas of my world before heading into Minecraft 1.7" in Forge-1.6.4 profile ( - recommended version). After awhile I've noticed that Fortress.dat hasn't been created in any of the dimensions and I know it should be there as I started my go-round with visiting the only known fortress. So I switched to vanilla-1.6.4 profile and the file has been created. The files for Overworld structures are being created in Forge profile as expected. I don't see any errors in the logs. What might be the problem here?




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Do I have to revert to 1.6.2 world and start over with "loading up important areas"? Or I can just switch to Forge build 916 from the current 1.6.4 world with already created *.dat files and continue? Are there any side effects of this bug which could have caused any incompatibilities of already created *.dat files?


No, no side effects at all. Upgrading to forge cdirectly is where you wanan go. If you do however have a Foretess.dat in /world/data then move it to /world/dim-1/data and you wont even have to run around.

The format is the same.

The reason it need sto be per world is that the format doesnt contain any world identifying data so there is no way for us to tag what world that data is for.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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