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MC 1.6.4 forge .916 Launcher stops


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Interesting, the last line would apear to be galacticcraft, Coremods do have the tendancy to do weird things.

What I woudl advise is removing mods one by one untill the issue is resolved, and then re-adding them untill it breaks again, so you can figure out which mod is doing it.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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I'm also experiencing trouble with build .916 for MC 1.6.4  :(

When I try to launch Minecraft, it starts to load, but closes again right away. I have not installed any mods in this "profile" yet except Forge, in fact I've made an entirely new and empty folder for this version. But it wont work. I've also tried to install it in the "Forge profile"(The one in the .Minecraft folder) but with no luck.

I've checked to be sure I'm running latest Java Version 7 Update 40:



Here is my log after 1 launch:



And my folder after trying to launch the game once:


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