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[1.6.4][Forge][API] Simplicity API~Making modding with Forge simpler!


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This mod is for modders only, unless you have a mod that requires this API to run.




Hey guys, this is my new API called "Simplicity". Basicaly, the point of this is to simplify Forge code for modders into one-line of code. For example, if you were to create a block with Forge, you would have to type:

public static Block testBlock = new Block(1000, Material.rock).setHardness(1F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(Block.soundPowderFootstep).setLightValue(0.5F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock).setUnlocalizedName("testBlock").setTexturePath("cobblestone");

public void preInit(FMLInitializationEvent event){
LanguageRegistry.addName(testBlock, "new block");

public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event){


See? It takes up alot of time, space, and just overall makes your classes look...messy. With this API, to do the SAME thing, you'll type:

public static Block testBlock = getNewAdvancedBlock(1F, 5F, 0.5F, "new block", "cobblestone", CreativeModeTabs.BLOCK.tab, StepSounds.POWDER.tab);


And your done! You dont need to add the names, register the block, or anything, this takes care of it for you. You dont even need the "preInit" or "init" methods if you dont want to. I probably could make four new blocks in the time in takes to make just one without this. If your creating a new class for a customized block, there's interfaces that you can use to import all the methods like "onBlockActivated" and "onEntityCollidedWithBlock", so you dont have to go to other classes to copy/paste the code from.


My friend MrrGingerNinja will be uploading some tutorials for this in the next few days. If you guys like this mod, ill definitely will be adding more to this API!



-Find the next avalible block/item ID without looking to see if you used that ID already.

-Easily create new blocks & items with a single line of code.

-Create a new CreativeTab with a single line of code, WITHOUT creating any new classes.

-Specify your mod's info, WITHOUT creating a mcmod.info file or mod metadata, again with only one line of code.



*Download coming soon* (in a few hours)



Thanks everyone! Hope you enjoy!




Potato's have skin. I have skin. Therefore, i am a potato.


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Your api is simply a wrapper function that calls the other methods....

It's helpful if people call those methods a lot, but it's 3 lines of code, not really useful to write an entire 'API' for...


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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