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1.6.4 (ssp)(World Crash & screen Blinking)


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not sure what happened with this one...

on my ssp world "NewAge++" it just up and crashed.


That plus I have been experiencing severe screen blinking where seemingly a part of the world goes transparent...

I enabled the internal debug profiler {/debug start} and posted the two forge logs labeled as so.



Is it Forge, OptiFine, or one of the other mods? idk... so I'll post it here as the root mod is Forge...





These are the current Mods I am using

- LightLoader (v1.6.4_01)
-- mod_macros (v0.9.11)(2013-10-02)(mc-v1.6.4).litemod

- Minecraft Forge (v9.11.1.917) (I LOVE betas so I stay up to date as fast as they rollem out loi =D)
-- OptiFine-1.6.4_HD_U_C5.jar  (loaded as library)
-- Rei's Minimap (v3.4_01)[mc-v1.6.4].zip
-- mod_bspkr's Core (v)(mc-v3.05)(mc-v1.6.4).zip
-- mod_bspkr's Armor Status HUD (v1.13)[mc-v1.6.4].zip
-- mod_bspkr's Status Effect HUD (v1.16)[mc-v1.6.4].zip



THX SO much for having a forums that can attach files LOL ^_^  =D

so I can attach all these error and debug logs LOL =D



I use the internet at the library these days to get on the internet...

so I can only get updates once a day..



I have of course just downloaded Forge (v9.11.1.920)

and will try it out once I get home =D


build 920 did fix the blinking....


ps: I am having issues uploading any files here on this forum....

I'll try again right now to upload...


An Error Has Occurred!

Cannot access attachments upload path!

It failed to post my updated post again... whats with this forum ;_; :(...



the logs mention a lot of binary discrepancies , so patches not applied.... ?_?

my minecraft.jar is not moded, all mods are either loaded via the mods folder or as libraries...



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Typically it's Optifine that causes rendering issues like that.

As for crashing anything could cause it which is what we need the logs -.-

But, your best bet is to start by using forge ONLY. And then start adding mods until shit breaks, and then you know, it's that mod that's broken.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Yeah I noticed.. I tried OptiFine out by itself last night by itself..... the blinking was still happening...... :(


I have tried several times to upload the log files and even upload my avatar i use on all  forums...

I keep getting the same error message... :( ;_;



ik.... its I haven't had issues with other mods in a long time...

could you contact your forum web admin that handles the programming and ask them to take a look in to fixing the forums so uploads are working because i am not having any problems on others sites including uploading attachments via email.


if worse comes to worse... can I email them to you as a 7zip archive?





I saw today's b922 commit by you ^_^

thx for all the effort you guys put into Forge its more active then Mod Loader(he's probably busy with life stuff which is understandable) was...



I am only at the library for 1.5 Hrs per day to use the internet.. so a reply will usually take 24-48 hours...



An Error Has Occurred!

Cannot access attachments upload path!

nope it will not allow me to upload anything ;_;

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Uploads are disabled, this is intentional. There is a plethora of places to upload text files:





Or, for a larget list: http://www.siteslike.com/similar/pastebin.com

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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ok here is the crash report and Forge logs,


Crash Report



This one is the ForgeLog time-stamp that matches the crash report.





Forge Log(s) with Debug Profiler active {/debug start}

not related the the crash, more trying to find the blinking render lag.. O_o





Java Crash Log  -- hs_err_pid3740.log




more Forge Logs



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Acording to your logs you crashed due to a recursion error. However as that run was with optifine I can't tell you for sure what caused it as we don't have a copy of his setup.

If the recursion error happens again without optifine let me know.

As for the blinking thats nothing we've ever encountered, as you say it happens when you only have optifine installed.. and optifine is very hard on the graphics, i'd suspect it is that.

Please try to reproduce any of these bugs with ONLY Forge.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Hi LexManos =D,

I have not had anymore crashes like that since then.... :(^_^

as for the blinking.... I deleted that 1.6.2 world... and created a new fresh one... I have not had any blinking since then....



I only use OptiFine (for Extended HD, CTM, etc) because I have been using Forge...

because Mod Loader has not updated.... :(...


I use to use use

- MCPatcher,

- Mod-Loader

- Light-Loader


- Rei's Minimap

- Improved Chat Mod

- Risugami's Mods - More Stackables

- Risugami's Mods - Flood Gate

- Mumfreys's Macros/Keybind (Amazing, A MUST HAVE)



as far as system specs go...

I'll pm u links I don't know if they will work or not via Google drive...

PM's not allowed... :(


these contain my system specs including


- CPUz Report (html)



- GPUz Report (gif image)






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Unless you can reproduce this on JUST forge WITHOUT optifine, then i'm gunna call this a optifine issue.

Either way, you say you cant reproduce anymore at all, then it's over.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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