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4.0 Forge setup requires Mincraft_Server.jar to be downlaoded.


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The install.cmd gives the following error if you do not have minecraft_server.jar installed. There is no mention of requiring both the client and server files to be downloaded to install Forge in to MCP in the readme.


================ Forge ModLoader Setup Start ===================

Setting up MCP

> Restoring commands.py backup

Patching file C:\Users\Scott\Desktop\mcp72\runtime\commands.py

patching file commands.py

Commands patch applied successfully

Copying FML conf

Fixing MCP Workspace

Could not find Server jar, decompile requires both client and server.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "install.py", line 40, in <module>


  File "install.py", line 19, in main

    setup_fml(fml_dir, mcp_dir)

  File "C:\Users\Scott\Desktop\mcp72\forge\fml\fml.py", line 239, in setup_fml

    pre_decompile(mcp_dir, fml_dir)

  File "C:\Users\Scott\Desktop\mcp72\forge\fml\fml.py", line 61, in pre_decompile

    with open(server_jar, 'rb') as fh:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Scott\\Desktop\\mcp72\\jars\\minecraft_server.jar.backup'

Press any key to continue . . .

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The use of the word "Jars" can just imply jinput.jar, lwjgl.jar, lwjgl_util.jar, and minecraft.jar. And the last sentance does not imply to me that both are required (as MCP will work fine with just one or the other)


I recommend rephrasing it to

You should use freshly downloaded jars, add NOTHING to the jars, ModLoader

is no longer needed. Both client and server are required and should be 100% clean.

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It should not actually error, but hey whatever your python is weird, it cleanly exits for me.

Either way, I don't really care about the readme as things are fairly obvious, Any amount of prevention we do will not be enough to not make this error happen. You are the 1% of people who actually read the readme.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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