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Minecraft: 1.6.4


For short I was testing out what blocks work and what do not when it comes to world generation, so far everything works except for pressure pads, redstone and pistons. The issue is that the pressure pads do not spawn along with the redstone. And the pistons end up facing the wrong direction. Been sitting here for a day or two trying many means of spawning the blocks but no luck on the redstone and stuff. Am I missing something or am I doing something completely wrong? o,O


World gen trigger:



public class NexionWorldGen implements IWorldGenerator


public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider)


switch (world.provider.dimensionId) {

case -1: generateNether(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16);

case 0: generateSurface(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16);




private void generateSurface(World world, Random random, int blockX,int blockZ)


int Xcoord1 = blockX + random.nextInt(16);

int Ycoord1 = random.nextInt(65);

int Zcoord1 = blockZ + random.nextInt(16);


(new TestGen()).generate(world, random, Xcoord1, Ycoord1, Zcoord1);







The block placement code:



package Naiakoa.Nexion.WorldGen;

import java.util.Random;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.world.World;

import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator;


public class TestGen extends WorldGenerator


protected int[] GetValidSpawnBlocks() {

return new int[] {





public boolean LocationIsValidSpawn(World world, int i, int j, int k){

int distanceToAir = 0;

int checkID = world.getBlockId(i, j, k);


while (checkID != 0){


checkID = world.getBlockId(i, j + distanceToAir, k);



if (distanceToAir > 3){

return false;


j += distanceToAir - 1;


int blockID = world.getBlockId(i, j, k);

int blockIDAbove = world.getBlockId(i, j+1, k);

int blockIDBelow = world.getBlockId(i, j-1, k);

for (int x : GetValidSpawnBlocks()){

if (blockIDAbove != 0){

return false;


if (blockID == x){

return true;

}else if (blockID == Block.snow.blockID && blockIDBelow == x){

return true;



return false;



public TestGen() { }


public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {

//check that each corner is one of the valid spawn blocks

if(!LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i, j, k) || !LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i + 7, j, k) || !LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i + 7, j, k + 5) || !LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i, j, k + 5))


return false;



world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 1, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 2, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 0, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 1, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 2, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 1, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 1, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 2, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 2, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 1, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 2, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 2, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 2, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 2, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 1, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 1, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 2, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 1, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 1, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 2, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 6, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 0, k + 0, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 0, k + 1, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 0, k + 2, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 0, k + 3, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 0, k + 4, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 0, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 1, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 2, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 3, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlock(i + 7, j + 4, k + 5, Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID);

world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i + 3, j + 1, k + 2, Block.pressurePlateStone.blockID, 0);

world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i + 4, j + 1, k + 2, Block.redstoneWire.blockID, 0);

world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i + 5, j + 1, k + 2, Block.redstoneWire.blockID, 0);

world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i + 5, j + 2, k + 4, Block.redstoneWire.blockID, 0);

world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i + 6, j + 1, k + 2, Block.redstoneWire.blockID, 0);

world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i + 6, j + 1, k + 3, Block.redstoneWire.blockID, 0);

world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i + 6, j + 2, k + 4, Block.redstoneWire.blockID, 0);


return true;






And here is a screenshot to see what actually generates.







Edit: issues solved with the following:



Piston rotation:

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID, 1, 2);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID, 2, 2);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID, 3, 2);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID, 4, 2);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID, 5, 2);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID, 6, 2);


Redstone and pressureplate spawn fixes:

world.setBlock(i + 3, j + 1, k + 2, Block.pressurePlateStone.blockID, 0, 0);

world.setBlock(i + 4, j + 1, k + 2, Block.redstoneWire.blockID, 0, 0);



A modder uses search for solutions, a coder asks for help only after looking into the main source of the game modding. A master java programmer has solutions and is helpful. Be friendly to others, they will be friendly to you (depending on how their day goes ;) )


World#setBlockMetadataWithNotify() sets, like the name suggests, the block metadata. It doesn't change the block id. To pass a metadata along with setBlock, you can use the following World#setBlock:

World#setBlock(int x, int y, int z, int blockID, int metadata, int updateFlags);

Author of PneumaticCraft, MineChess, Minesweeper Mod and Sokoban Mod. Visit www.minemaarten.com to take a look at them.


ok that helped with the non spawning blocks but what about rotating the pistons? x.x (sorry if I seem bit stupid or missing something obvious lack of sleep is a derp)

A modder uses search for solutions, a coder asks for help only after looking into the main source of the game modding. A master java programmer has solutions and is helpful. Be friendly to others, they will be friendly to you (depending on how their day goes ;) )


Well, you were close when you were using a method related to metadata: Play with the metadata parameter of the setBlock method of the piston, you'll see the piston's rotation is defined by that.

Author of PneumaticCraft, MineChess, Minesweeper Mod and Sokoban Mod. Visit www.minemaarten.com to take a look at them.


Yea...lol got arround to getting it...Thanks for quick reply, lack of sleep screws with the mind ignoring the obvious stuff haha.

A modder uses search for solutions, a coder asks for help only after looking into the main source of the game modding. A master java programmer has solutions and is helpful. Be friendly to others, they will be friendly to you (depending on how their day goes ;) )

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    • Upon starting the server I get; [main/ERROR] [minecraft/Main]: Failed to start the minecraft server net.minecraftforge.fml.LoadingFailedException: Loading errors encountered: [     Framework (framework) has failed to load correctly §7java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/gui/components/toasts/Toast ] I suspect there is a (possibly a few) client-only mods installed on my server. Any help would be appreciated! (Yes I know there are a lot of mods...) Here is the crash log:   https://paste.ee/p/pRz5mhMl#s=0
    • That's basically what the failure does, my apologies for failing to specify.  It just tries again on the next tick until it detects the entities for that chunk are loaded, and then tries to load the entity.  From there it gets into different failure states depending on what goes wrong, but in short, if the entity fails to load once the entity list becomes available, the request is cleared and must be resubmitted by the end user.  There should be few cases where that actually happens. Yes, that is my understanding of forceloading.  That's why on a successful summon, it removes the forceload.  Otherwise it does just leave the chunks loaded long term. Thank you for your help, any knowledge is useful!  I don't often mess with forceloading and my prior experience is 1.16 so I'm also a bit out of my depth haha.
    • I will have to do more research about 1.18 chunk loading. You were unclear about how your code manages with the entity load failure. If you simply used a loop, I suggest submitting a tick task to the next tick which does the same thing, checking if the entities are loaded and if so teleporting the right one else submitting another tick task etc. Also I think forceloading permanently force loads the chunk, and it only starts to unload when you make a subsequent call to mark the chunk as not forceloaded. I may be completely wrong, I dont know much about 1.18, most of my experience is 1.20. Good luck I hope you figure it out after all this time 😅
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