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Is there any help out there for people who are new to all of this and don't know what they are doing? I am a pretty smart person and I have been to college and studied Information Technology and Database Administration, and I have never in my life been more confused or frustrated over anything! And I have goolged and youtubed until my eyes are bleeding trying to figure out how to install Minecraft Forge so that I can then install mods, but everything I read is practically in a foreign language and I found some simple and easy instructions but when I do everything that they do in the video it still doesn't work! I keep getting an error that says "invalid or corrupt jarfile" I have downloaded many different files, did the double click, did the right click and open with Java, I have done it all according to everything I can find on the internet and it just will not work for me. I could REALLY use some help! I bought Minecraft for my kids for Christmas and they want to add MODS so badly they are driving me crazy over it and I have been trying for a week to figure this out. I have been afraid to even post anywhere and ask for help because in all of my googling and reading I saw people being attacked or called idiots for not knowing how to do something! I don't want to clog up your boards and forums over stuff that isn't supposed to be there. I don't know what else to do. If someone could contact me privately and help me out and take it off the boards to figure this out then I would be sooooooo very greatful and appreciative!


Tip #1) Sob stories are bad

#2) Make sure you don't have a ! in your folder path, that's typically the cause of "invalid or corrupt jarfile" as java uses ! to denote archive paths.

#3) ALWAYS post detailed information of what you're doing, screen shots, log files, whatever you can get. The more information that is given the more likely someone can help.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


I don't know what you mean by that because all I have done is download the file and then tried to install it, I haven't moved it or changed it or anything. I don't have anything else installed or running. This is the error I am getting from the very beginning and I can't get past it to get this thing installed. There is nothing else to post...no log details. The details are this: I downloaded the installer of Minecraft Forge from the website. I double click on it and I get the invalid or corrupt jarfile. I right click and chose open with java and I get the same message.


You don't have to help me if you don't want to. But you also don't have to be a jerk and insult me either. It's not a sob story, it's the truth. I can't figure this out and I have been trying for a week. My last effort was to post to this forum for help. I spent some time reading other posts all over the forum and I have seen YOUR post in particular where you insulted everyone and you were a jerk to everyone who asks for help or has a question. I should have known that I would get the same treatment because I am new to all of this so I must just be a complete idiot and deserve for you to be a jerk to me, right? Everyone had to start from the beginning. Everyone was a noob at one point! But if insulting people and being a jerk to them while you are hiding behind your computer screen makes you feel better about yourself then go right ahead. A simple answer or no answer will suffice. But I know now you are just going to ban me and then talk bad about me after I am gone because that's what I have seen you do to other people in this forum from my reading around. So just forget it and go ahead and do it. I will figure it out another way without having to ask for help from some lonely momma's boy geek who think's he's a bad ass behind a computer screen and likes to insult people who are just trying to figure out something new.


have you ran the launcher with it set to the version of the game that forge build you download is or forge will give a error because forge heed the files


how to set it run minecraft hit edit profiles then go ware it say version and set it to the forge version you download


first 3 number on the forge build are the patch number of minecraft


sorry my English is bad


User was banned for being a cunt, I gave you the solution to your problem, doesn't entitle you to go on a slurfilled rant.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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    • Hello everyone. I am trying to set up a modded Minecraft server for version 1.20.1 but am running into an issue in which the server "freezes" during startup. The logs end at a certain point during startup, and no useful error messages are provided. Does anybody have any idea what might be happening? I am using a custom modlist.   Log File: https://api.mclo.gs/1/raw/eW4Nukg (There is an error message for "Quark", but it is not causing the issue I am having)
    • Hello everyone. I am trying to set up a modded Minecraft server for version 1.20.1 but am running into an issue in which the server "freezes" during startup. The logs end at a certain point during startup, and no useful error messages are provided. Does anybody have any idea what might be happening? I am using a custom modlist.   Log File: https://api.mclo.gs/1/raw/eW4Nukg (There is an error message for "Quark", but it is not causing the issue I am having)
    • bedbuewfbyirewibuewbufbiuewfbhiewbvuiwrv
    • System Info:     - OS: CachyOS x86_64 - (Arch based)     - Kernel: Linux 6.13.0-2-cachyos     - CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X (12) @ 5.45 GHz     - GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 [Discrete]     - GPU 2: AMD Raphael [Integrated] Versions:     - openjdk 23.0.2 2025-01-21     - forge-1.21.4-54.0.21-installer.jar Log:     - forge-1.21.4-54.0.21-installer.jar.log Error: net/minecraft/world/ticks/package-info.class version.json Processor failed, invalid outputs: /home/ori/Desktop/Bots/Serverbot/MC_Worlds/ForgeTest/./libraries/net/minecraft/server/1.21.4/server-1.21.4-official.jar Expected: 0c21a12f2007a8243664e81cb1c353d94ed721a1 Actual: 0cf72b1d313f7cd54003e29428c02769068f25db There was an error during installation Regardless if I am installing client or server, it throws this error. I have tried changing my java version to java 18, tried different forge installer versions. I am out of ideas.
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