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Everything posted by Toasterkid

  1. Have you checked if you need to override Block#canSustainPlant ? It has this line of code in it: if (net.minecraftforge.common.PlantType.CROP.equals(type)) { return state.is(Blocks.FARMLAND); } which would be relevant since StemBlock.java has this in it: @Override public net.minecraftforge.common.PlantType getPlantType(BlockGetter world, BlockPos pos) { return net.minecraftforge.common.PlantType.CROP; }
  2. If you look at the Minecraft wiki, you can see that there already exists one block that unlocks without needing any other blocks, which is the crafting table. https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Recipe_book#Unlocking So if you find the file: \data\minecraft\advancements\recipes\decorations\crafting_table.json You can see that it uses a "unlock_right_away" criteria to do the job. { "parent": "minecraft:recipes/root", "criteria": { "has_the_recipe": { "conditions": { "recipe": "minecraft:crafting_table" }, "trigger": "minecraft:recipe_unlocked" }, "unlock_right_away": { "trigger": "minecraft:tick" } }, "requirements": [ [ "has_the_recipe", "unlock_right_away" ] ], "rewards": { "recipes": [ "minecraft:crafting_table" ] }, "sends_telemetry_event": false }
  3. For fog you would probably start with making a listener to the EntityViewRenderEvent like this public class ClientListener { @SubscribeEvent public void onRenderFog(EntityViewRenderEvent.FogDensity event) { // your code } } Note that you can also access other stuff, such as FogColors, from the EntityViewRenderEvent.
  4. Is Particle#scale(float) not available to use? It just calls Particle.setSize(float, float)
  5. probably something like this ? Effects.DIG_SLOWDOWN.getDisplayName()
  6. How can I prevent blocks with no light value and/or not a part of the height map from being rendered to the camera/player? Especially when they are capable of seeing through solid blocks while underground, such as in spectator mode. Realizing this was just a version of anti-xray stuff, I found this mod: https://github.com/DrexHD/AntiXray/tree/1.20.4 which seems to prevent x-raying by handling chunk rendering, specifically the ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket. Would this be the correct method to handle my problem? If so, is there a part of this mod's code that I should start with trying to implement to prevent blocks without light value being rendered?
  7. I would like to setup a test that makes sure an animation completes, however this animation can be a couple of seconds long. Are there any examples of using a GameTestSequence created from GameTestHelper#startSequence to wait until a certain function in the code is reached or finished?
  8. I'm looking to disable this auto-jumping that happens in certain mobs (e.g. fish) so that they don't jump out of the water when they are swimming in 1 block deep water.
  9. Maybe you can try getting the blocks by getting the relative position of blocks from other blocks, based on the direction the player is looking. public boolean mineBlock(...) { // get the blocks you want to break BlockPos middle = blockPos; BlockPos topMiddle = middle.above(); BlockPos topLeft = topMiddle.relative(playerEntity.getDirection().getCounterClockWise()); BlockPos topRight = topMiddle.relative(playerEntity.getDirection().getClockWise()); BlockPos bottomMiddle = middle.below(); // add the rest of the blocks here } // maybe call your own function to break those blocks if (this.breakAndDrop(world, playerEntity, stack, topMiddle)) { // you could do something or count something here idk } // which could look something like this private void breakAndDrop(World world, PlayerEntity player, ItemStack itemStack, BlockPos pos) { Block.dropResources(world.getBlockState(pos), world, pos, null, player, itemStack); world.destroyBlock(pos, false, player); }
  10. From an entity I can set the world to raining via entity.level.getLevelData().setRaining(true); but how do I make thunder with that? From level I can also see entity.level.setThunderLevel(float value) and entity.level.setRainLevel(float value) but I can't find a description on what those do.
  11. I'm assuming its in the wrong class because of this line ? Which would make it Client side ? @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MyMod.MODID, bus = Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT) Would removing this and setting up the MyMod.java like this be correct? I ask because I see other examples use the public static final RegistryObject<> in the same class that they setup the public static final DeferredRegister<>, and not for just particles. public MyMod() { // Register the setup method for modloading IEventBus bus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus(); ParticleRegistration.PARTICLES_TYPES.register(bus); } Or do I need to make further changes to the registration then? Such as moving the registerParticleFactory() to a ClientStartup/ClientProxy ?
  12. Any help or advice would be appreciated. I'm trying to learn how to add particles to a mod, using a tutorial from TheGreyGhost. Trying to get the particle to appear in the Entity's tick() method. The vanilla FLAME particle appears but not my particle. @Override public void tick() { if(entity == null) return; try { // Adds a particle to every entity while in the overworld! //this.level.addParticle(ParticleTypes.FLAME, this.getX(), this.getY() + 1, this.getZ(), 0, 0.04, 0); // Try to add a custom particle to every entity in the overworld. Color tint = Color.CYAN; // does this do anything if the particle texture is already colored? double diameter = this.getEntityScale(); FlameParticleData flameParticleData = new FlameParticleData(tint, diameter); this.level.addParticle(flameParticleData, this.getX(), this.getY() + 2, this.getZ(), 0, 0.05, 0); } catch (Exception e) { The other code I have setting up the Particle Registration, the FlameParticle, the FlameParticleData, the FlameParticleFactory, and the FlameParticleType: ParticleRegistration.java. I also have a flame_particle.json that references the flame.png that I want to use. @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MyMod.MODID, bus = Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT) public class ParticleRegistration { public static final DeferredRegister<ParticleType<?>> PARTICLES_TYPES = DeferredRegister.create( ForgeRegistries.PARTICLE_TYPES, MyMod.MODID); // This sets the FlameParticleType to use the textures specified in flame_particle.json. public static final RegistryObject<ParticleType<FlameParticleData>> FLAME_PARTICLE = PARTICLES_TYPES.register( "flame_particle", FlameParticleType::new); // Is this necessary? public static ParticleType<FlameParticleData> flameParticleType = new FlameParticleType(); @SuppressWarnings("resource") @SubscribeEvent public static void registerParticleFactory(ParticleFactoryRegisterEvent event) { Minecraft.getInstance().particleEngine.register(ParticleRegistration.FLAME_PARTICLE.get(), FlameParticleFactory::new); } } FlameParticle.java /** * Based on TheGreyGhost's MinecraftByExample * Custom Particle to illustrate how to add a Particle with your own texture and movement/animation behaviour * */ public class FlameParticle extends SpriteTexturedParticle { /** * Construct a new FlameParticle at the given [x,y,z] position, with the given initial velocity, the given color, and the * given diameter. * We also supply sprites so that you can change the sprite texture in the tick() method (although not needed for this example) */ public FlameParticle(ClientWorld world, double x, double y, double z, double velocityX, double velocityY, double velocityZ, Color tint, double diameter, IAnimatedSprite sprites) { super(world, x, y, z, velocityX, velocityY, velocityZ); this.sprites = sprites; setColor(tint.getRed()/255.0F, tint.getGreen()/255.0F, tint.getBlue()/255.0F); setSize((float)diameter, (float)diameter); // the size (width, height) of the collision box. final float PARTICLE_SCALE_FOR_ONE_METRE = 0.5F; // if the particleScale is 0.5, the texture will be rendered as 1 metre high // sets the rendering size of the particle for a TexturedParticle. this.scale(PARTICLE_SCALE_FOR_ONE_METRE * (float)diameter); //maxAge = 100; // lifetime in ticks: 100 ticks = 5 seconds this.lifetime = 100; final float ALPHA_VALUE = 1.0F; this.alpha = ALPHA_VALUE; //the vanilla Particle constructor added random variation to our starting velocity. Undo it! this.xd = velocityX; this.yd = velocityY; this.zd = velocityZ; // the move() method will check for collisions with scenery this.hasPhysics = true; // I think hasPhysics replaces canCollide } // Comments from TheGreyGhost // ---- methods used by TexturedParticle.renderParticle() method to find out how to render your particle // the base method just renders a quad, rotated to directly face the player // can be used to change the skylight+blocklight brightness of the rendered Particle. @Override public int getLightColor(float partialTick) // previously protected int getBrightnessForRender(float partialTick) { final int BLOCK_LIGHT = 15; // maximum brightness final int SKY_LIGHT = 15; // maximum brightness final int FULL_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE = LightTexture.pack(BLOCK_LIGHT, SKY_LIGHT); // .pack replaces .packLight return FULL_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE; // if you want the brightness to be the local illumination (from block light and sky light) you can just use // the Particle.getBrightnessForRender() base method, which contains: // BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ); // return this.world.isBlockLoaded(blockPos) ? WorldRenderer.getCombinedLight(this.world, blockPos) : 0; } // Choose the appropriate render type for your particles: // There are several useful predefined types: // PARTICLE_SHEET_TRANSLUCENT semi-transparent (translucent) particles // PARTICLE_SHEET_OPAQUE opaque particles // TERRAIN_SHEET particles drawn from block or item textures // PARTICLE_SHEET_LIT appears to be the same as OPAQUE. Not sure of the difference. In previous versions of minecraft, // "lit" particles changed brightness depending on world lighting i.e. block light + sky light public IParticleRenderType getRenderType() { return IParticleRenderType.PARTICLE_SHEET_TRANSLUCENT; } /** * call once per tick to update the Particle position, calculate collisions, remove when max lifetime is reached, etc */ @Override public void tick() { // if you want to change the texture as the particle gets older, you can use //setSpriteFromAge(sprites); // not sure whether this should be uncommented yet this.xo = x; // previously prevPosX and posX this.yo = y; // previously prevPosY and posY this.xo = z; // previously prevPosZ and posZ move(xd, yd, zd); // simple linear motion. You can change speed by changing xd, yd, // zd every tick. For example - you can make the particle accelerate downwards due to gravity by // final double GRAVITY_ACCELERATION_PER_TICK = -0.02; // yd += GRAVITY_ACCELERATION_PER_TICK; // calling move() also calculates collisions with other objects // collision with a block makes the ball disappear. But does not collide with entities if (onGround) { // onGround is only true if the particle collides while it is moving downwards... this.remove(); // this.setExpired() is probably this.remove() } if (yo == y && yd > 0) { // detect a collision while moving upwards (can't move up at all) this.remove(); } if (this.age++ >= this.lifetime) { // this.maxAge becomes this.lifetime this.remove(); } } private final IAnimatedSprite sprites; // contains a list of textures; choose one using either // newParticle.selectSpriteRandomly(sprites); or newParticle.selectSpriteWithAge(sprites); } FlameParticleData.java /** * Based on TheGreyGhost's MinecraftByExample * The particle has two pieces of information which are used to customise it: * * 1) The colour (tint) which is used to change the hue of the particle * 2) The diameter of the particle * * This class is used to * 1) store this information, and * 2) transmit it between server and client (write and read methods), and * 3) parse it from a command string i.e. the /particle params */ public class FlameParticleData implements IParticleData { public FlameParticleData(Color tint, double diameter) { this.tint = tint; this.diameter = constrainDiameterToValidRange(diameter); } public Color getTint() { return tint; } /** * @return get diameter of particle in metres */ public double getDiameter() { return diameter; } @Nonnull @Override public ParticleType<FlameParticleData> getType() { return ParticleRegistration.flameParticleType; } // write the particle information to a PacketBuffer, ready for transmission to a client @Override public void writeToNetwork(PacketBuffer buf) { buf.writeInt(tint.getRed()); buf.writeInt(tint.getGreen()); buf.writeInt(tint.getBlue()); buf.writeDouble(diameter); } // used for debugging I think; prints the data in human-readable format @Nonnull @Override public String writeToString() { return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s %.2f %i %i %i", this.getType().getRegistryName(), diameter, tint.getRed(), tint.getGreen(), tint.getBlue()); } private static double constrainDiameterToValidRange(double diameter) { final double MIN_DIAMETER = 0.05; final double MAX_DIAMETER = 1.0; return MathHelper.clamp(diameter, MIN_DIAMETER, MAX_DIAMETER); } private Color tint; private double diameter; // Comments from the TheGreyGhost // --------- these remaining methods are used to serialize the Particle Data. // I'm not yet sure what the Codec is used for, given that the DESERIALIZER already deserializes using read. // Perhaps it will be used to replace the manual read methods in the future. // The CODEC is a convenience to make it much easier to serialise and deserialise your objects. // Using the builder below, you construct a serialiser and deserialiser in one go, using lambda functions. // eg for the FlameParticleData CODEC: // a) In order to serialise it, it reads the 'tint' member variable (type: INT) and the 'diameter' member variable (type: DOUBLE) // b) In order to deserialise it, call the matching constructor FlameParticleData(INT, DOUBLE) public static final Codec<FlameParticleData> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( instance -> instance.group( Codec.INT.fieldOf("tint").forGetter(d -> d.tint.getRGB()), Codec.DOUBLE.fieldOf("diameter").forGetter(d -> d.diameter) ).apply(instance, FlameParticleData::new) ); private FlameParticleData(int tintRGB, double diameter) { this.tint = new Color(tintRGB); this.diameter = constrainDiameterToValidRange(diameter); } // The DESERIALIZER is used to construct FlameParticleData from either command line parameters or from a network packet public static final IDeserializer<FlameParticleData> DESERIALIZER = new IDeserializer<FlameParticleData>() { // parse the parameters for this particle from a /particle command @Nonnull @Override public FlameParticleData fromCommand(@Nonnull ParticleType<FlameParticleData> type, @Nonnull StringReader reader) throws CommandSyntaxException { reader.expect(' '); double diameter = constrainDiameterToValidRange(reader.readDouble()); final int MIN_COLOUR = 0; final int MAX_COLOUR = 255; reader.expect(' '); int red = MathHelper.clamp(reader.readInt(), MIN_COLOUR, MAX_COLOUR); reader.expect(' '); int green = MathHelper.clamp(reader.readInt(), MIN_COLOUR, MAX_COLOUR); reader.expect(' '); int blue = MathHelper.clamp(reader.readInt(), MIN_COLOUR, MAX_COLOUR); Color color = new Color(red, green, blue); return new FlameParticleData(color, diameter); } // read the particle information from a PacketBuffer after the client has received it from the server @Override public FlameParticleData fromNetwork(@Nonnull ParticleType<FlameParticleData> type, PacketBuffer buf) { // warning! never trust the data read in from a packet buffer. final int MIN_COLOUR = 0; final int MAX_COLOUR = 255; int red = MathHelper.clamp(buf.readInt(), MIN_COLOUR, MAX_COLOUR); int green = MathHelper.clamp(buf.readInt(), MIN_COLOUR, MAX_COLOUR); int blue = MathHelper.clamp(buf.readInt(), MIN_COLOUR, MAX_COLOUR); Color color = new Color(red, green, blue); double diameter = constrainDiameterToValidRange(buf.readDouble()); return new FlameParticleData(color, diameter); } }; } FlameParticleFactory.java /** * Based on TheGreyGhost's MinecraftByExample * On the client side: * When the client wants to spawn a Particle, it gives the FlameParticleData to this factory method * The factory selects an appropriate Particle class and instantiates it * */ public class FlameParticleFactory implements IParticleFactory<FlameParticleData> { //IParticleFactory private final IAnimatedSprite sprites; // contains a list of textures; choose one using either // not sure if i still need this // newParticle.selectSpriteRandomly(sprites); or newParticle.selectSpriteWithAge(sprites); // this method is needed for proper registration of your Factory: // The ParticleManager.register method creates a Sprite and passes it to your factory for subsequent use when rendering, then // populates it with the textures from your textures/particle/xxx.json public FlameParticleFactory(IAnimatedSprite sprite) { this.sprites = sprite; } @Nullable @Override public Particle createParticle(FlameParticleData flameParticleData, ClientWorld world, double xPos, double yPos, double zPos, double xVelocity, double yVelocity, double zVelocity) { FlameParticle newParticle = new FlameParticle(world, xPos, yPos, zPos, xVelocity, yVelocity, zVelocity, flameParticleData.getTint(), flameParticleData.getDiameter(), sprites); newParticle.pickSprite(sprites); // not quite the newParticle.selectSpriteRandomly(sprites) that was used. return newParticle; } // This is private to prevent you accidentally registering the Factory using the default constructor. // ParticleManager has two register methods, and if you use the wrong one the game will enter an infinite loop private FlameParticleFactory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use the FlameParticleFactory(IAnimatedSprite sprite) constructor"); } } FlameParticleType.java /** * Based on TheGreyGhost's MinecraftByExample * Simple class used to describe the Particle */ public class FlameParticleType extends ParticleType<FlameParticleData> { private static boolean ALWAYS_SHOW_REGARDLESS_OF_DISTANCE_FROM_PLAYER = false; public FlameParticleType() { super(ALWAYS_SHOW_REGARDLESS_OF_DISTANCE_FROM_PLAYER, FlameParticleData.DESERIALIZER); } // get the Codec used to // a) convert a FlameParticleData to a serialised format // b) construct a FlameParticleData object from the serialised format public Codec<FlameParticleData> codec() { return FlameParticleData.CODEC; } } The flame_particle.json, which is located in resources/asset.MyMod/particles, that references the flame.png, located in resources/asset.MyMod/particles/textures/particles { "textures": [ "MyMod:flame" ] }
  13. I've had the same problem, but I don't know how to set GradleStart as my main class. Can someone explain this?
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