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[1.20.2] Textures for Block States that worked on 1.16 for Tile Entity are not working for Block Entity

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I am migrating a mod from 1.16.5 to 1.20.2

The version for 1.16.5 can be found here https://github.com/beothorn/automataCraft

For the block called automata_start, it uses TileEntities and has blockstates, model/block and textures on json files.

This is currently working fine on 1.16.5 https://github.com/beothorn/automataCraft/tree/master/src/main/resources/assets/automata

For 1.20.2 I migrated the logic from TileEntities to BlockEntity.

The mod is working fine. All blocks and Items are working with the correct textures except for the textures for each state of the automata_start block.

No changes where made to the json files. This is the branch I am working on (there were some refactorings, but all is basically the same):


The only difference I can think that may be related is that i had to implement createBlockStateDefinition on the BaseEntityBlock:


This is driving me crazy.

I know the jsons are being loaded as I put a breakpoint at `net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery#loadModel` and I can see BlockModelDefinition.fromJsonElement being called with automata_start.

I also printed the state from the arguments of the tick function call and they look correct (https://github.com/beothorn/automataCraft/blob/1_20/src/main/java/br/com/isageek/automata/automata/Ticker.java#L32 ):

blockState Block{automata:automata_start}[state=loadreplaceables]

In game, all I see is the no textures. I think it is weird it is not the "missing texture" texture so I think it may be related to the material, but I had no success tweaking it (https://github.com/beothorn/automataCraft/blob/1_20/src/main/java/br/com/isageek/automata/automata/AutomataStartBlock.java#L37).


public static final Property<AutomataStartState> state = EnumProperty.create("state", AutomataStartState.class);
    private final AtomicReference<RegistryObject<BlockEntityType<?>>> blockEntityType;
    private final Map<String, RegistryObject<Block>> registeredBlocks;

    public AutomataStartBlock(
        final AtomicReference<RegistryObject<BlockEntityType<?>>> blockEntityType,
        final Map<String, RegistryObject<Block>> registeredBlocks
    ) {
        super(BlockBehaviour.Properties.of().mapColor(MapColor.STONE).strength(1.5F, 6.0F));
        this.blockEntityType = blockEntityType;
        this.registeredBlocks = registeredBlocks;
        this.registerDefaultState(this.getStateDefinition().any().setValue(state, AutomataStartState.LOAD_REPLACEABLES));

    protected void createBlockStateDefinition(StateDefinition.Builder<Block, BlockState> stateBuilder) {




So my cry for help is, anyone has any ideas?

Is there a way to easily debug this, for example somewhere where I can list the textures for a given state, or make sure this is loaded?


Thanks in advance for the hints :)

Edited by Beothorn
Forgot to add some links and finish the post

I also tried pointing a regular block to the texture supposed to be used on the block state and it rendered. So the texture and the model json are valid and the issue is specific for the block entity.


Wow, thanks @scientistknight1 ! That was exactly it.

The issue:

I was extending BaseEntityBlock, which implements getRenderShape as invisible for some reason:

public abstract class BaseEntityBlock extends Block implements EntityBlock {
   public RenderShape getRenderShape(BlockState p_49232_) {
      return RenderShape.INVISIBLE;

Looking at the Implementation on Block, it calls BlockBehaviour, which returns RenderShape.MODEL. Overriding it on my Entity did the trick.

public class AutomataStartBlock extends BaseEntityBlock {

    public RenderShape getRenderShape(BlockState p_49232_) {
        return RenderShape.MODEL;

It now works. I wonder why why BaseEntityBlock returns INVISIBLE, though.


I'm guessing that's so people can implement their own custom animated models? I really don't know though, since I've never had to use that at all. I just know that you can have more control over a block entity model than over a standard block model, as well as use animations. I'm glad I could help, though!

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