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Hi all I am a new minecraft forge modder and by new I mean "wow what a noob" new so I do apologize in advance if the following sounds like a really dumb question. I would go on to explain how much I don't know about java either but that's not relevant as I am using a combination of youtube, books, and trial and error to learn about all this.


So I set up the latest recommended build for forge 1.6.4 which is the .965 build and I was just patting myself on the back for that when all of a sudden BAM I see 4 warnings flash on the bottom of my workspace in eclipse, one is a resource leak, one is a casting problem with a String that java says "should be cast as an object for that type of method" one that says "assigning that variable doesnt do anything" and one that says "Unreachable catch block for IOException. Only more specific exceptions are thrown and they are handled by previous catch block(s)." Which I take to mean "thats an unneccisary line of code ya retard" although my knowledge of try, catch blocks is still basic at this point.


Maybe this is nothing and I am about to get the "go back to learning java and come back when your not a total noob" response and maybe I am about to get a gold star for pointing out a major problem that no one thought to mention idk. I do know they are warnings and not errors though and even though I tried to find any "known issues" section for the individual releases I found none so here I am asking this:


Should I be concerned? Should I ignore this? and Should/can I fix these errors in my source code just so its not cluttering up my problems section without hurting my compiled product?


Technical junk:


Forge Source:

Eclipse Version:

Minecraft Version: 1.6.4

JDK: 1.7 (I changed the default since I found information saying I could and should)

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My general advice would be "don't ignore warnings unless you understand why they're occurring and have a good reason for not fixing them".  Are these errors in Forge or are they in your source code?  Even though your code will run, a compiler warning will often give you a valuable clue that you have made a subtle mistake in your code and it's not going to work how you expect.


resource leaks can be either trivial or very serious depending on what it is, notorious for causing subtle problems which don't show up until the code has been running for several hours or days.


the casting warning might be a hint you that you are trying to pass the wrong type of variable to the function


the assigning variable warning might be a clue that you have misspelled the variable or mixed it up with a different variable


unreachable catch block error might mean that you have added a unnecessary catch block just for the fun of it :-), or it might be a clue that you've made an incorrect assumption about the types of errors that a function might throw.


(If the warnings are in Forge code, not much you can do about that)



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Thank you both for the information, and Grey that little bit about what those warnings actually were was awesome and taught me a few new things so I doubly appreciate that.


To answer, yes the warnings were with forge and I have since added a block with forge and a texture for it using a youtuber tutorial. Seems the problems are with forge and I'll take your advice and ignore them :) again thanks for the feedback guys, I'm off to code ways of taking over minecraft and then use them to take over minecraft or something o/ as soon as I review more documentation and example videos. Its fun but man is it monotonous to watch someone do the same bits of code over and over.

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One of the warnings that exists looks like this:


if(entity instanceof EntityZombie) {
    par2 = par2;


It does nothing, but that's what exists inside Mojang's code.  We aren't sure what they meant to do there, and thus the warning sticks around.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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