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Suggestion for the new *.exe forge installer


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Hello people!


A couple of days ago I noticed, that files.minecraftforge.net does provide new native windows applications, to setup minecraftforge. The reason, why I found it out was very sad. 4 people(relatives, friends) called me, that they have problems with installing mods for new minecraft 1.7. You must know, that they really do not know much about technical stuff, but I learned them to install mods(with the new launcher and the *.jar installer).


The main problem of the installation was, that 3 of them had chosen the installer-win download, because they thought it is the right one(yes they actually know, that they run windows  ;)). After the download their antivirus/malware programs deleted the installation files immediately after the download, or blocked the execution. Nobody came about the idea, to just download the old *.jar installer.


The 4th persons problem was a little bit more funny. The antivirus browser plugin blocked the whole download page, because of the adfly links to the *.exe files. I uninstalled the plugin, because it was clearly only scareware.


I hope you guys understand, why I am posting this(Pls Pls Pls move back to the old installation)!

Maybe start a discussion about which way would be better to the end user?

try {


}catch(Throwable t) {

    MagicAppErrorSolver.solveProblem(t, this);


//Programmers will lose work

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We provide both, you can choose either the exe for windows, or the jr for whatever OS you want.

The exe is the same type of wrapper that mojang uses for there exe downloads.

We will not stop shipping both because there is no need to, if you have a over zealous antivirus then just use the jar version or don't use your antivirus.

So what exactly are you trying to suggest we do... Those things are outside of our control.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Of course I know, that the new *.exe installer is just a wrapper for the jar installer file.

The only thing I mean was following. The new download link(installer-win) did not work for 4 persons I know, because of various antivirus/malware softwares. They came not on the idea, to download the jar installer, because they thought installer-win is the right selection. They failed installing forge, and so had to call me.


So I think the *.exe wrapper did not make the forge installation process more user friendly, but caused more confusion and problems(because of uncertified exe files).

try {


}catch(Throwable t) {

    MagicAppErrorSolver.solveProblem(t, this);


//Programmers will lose work

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Generally it's overzealous AV (avast, i'm looking at you u.u) that causes the problem, but i'm on Win8 and only have Windows Defender to cover my ass :D


There should be a "run anyway" button (on 8 it's hidden under "details" or something), use that.


So ya. Disable AV before downloading forge installer-win. I'll see if I can add a note for that on the files page and the EAQ.

Read the EAQ before posting! OR ELSE!


This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




Don't PM me, I don't check this account unless I have to.

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Ever since we introduced the exe installer we have not had the hundreds of issues were were getting before 'how does run jar'

So, I'm sorry that your particular friends had over zealous antiviruses and were to flustered to think to use the other installer. But the benefits far outweigh your issues.

The exe installer stays. If you run into a over zealous AV, report it to the AV team as a false positive.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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