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Possible weather provider?


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I'm thinking that it might be useful to have hooks for weather related functions such as World.canBlockFreeze or World.canSnowAt in order to circumvent the biome related aspect.


My specific issue is that I've decoupled the temperature system from the biomes completely for TerraFirmaCraft, but because I can't override the temperature functions in BiomeGenBase (they are final) I have no way of telling the game that it should be snowing instead of raining. It just keeps checking the Biome for the information which is useless because at this point the biome is only responsible for elevation data.


I figure that a WeatherProvider added to WorldProvider like the SkyProvider is now, is the best solution. I can create this and submit a pull request, I'm just curious if this is even considered acceptable etc.

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There's a variable for this in BiomeGenBase:

    /** The temperature of this biome. */
    public float temperature;


You might test this out, but it should work. I think you place this variable in your biome constructor and set a temerature so that it snows.


EDIT: There's also an other value for the downfall here:

    /** The rainfall in this biome. */
    public float rainfall;


Dunno what it does, but I think it's how often it starts to rain / snow(?). Play with this value as well or take the value from a snow biome (it's the second parameter in the setTemperatureRainfall(int, int) method, called in the initializations of the biomes in BiomeGenBase)

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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That's the issue. Biomes have nothing to do with the temperature anymore for me. And rainfall in biomes isn't related to actual rain. Its only used for world gen. I need to be able to be able to completely circumvent the Biome class all together. I probably do more biome editing than anyone with TFC :) .


Lex tells me that a world api is being worked on but I've gotta figure out something in the mean time because this means that it can no longer snow in my mod.

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How do you register your biomes?

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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It doesn't work like that anymore. I have several GenLayers that handle rock layer formation and rainfall among other things. Temperature is now based in large part off the distance from 0 on the Z axis. Every single block has a lot of things that it takes into account to determine temperature. I call to my Climate class to get the temperature which in turn gets the information provided by my custom worldchunkmanager class. Biomes store elevation and that's it. They really shouldn't even be called biomes anymore.


In World.canSnowAt it gets the biome and does a check for the temperature of that biome which is consistent across the entire biome. I need to be able to get the temperature from the xyz coordinate, not the generic biome temp that never changes.


In short, I need to completely circumvent the contents of World.canSnowAt and replace it with my own code.


Edit: Looking at the RenderGlobal.renderSky method shows how I would see going about doing this. If your provider has a WeatherProvider then it would call that code instead of the World.canSnowAt code.

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