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When i change this:

if((d15 += d16) > 0.0D) 
  b[j3 += short1] = Blocks.stone;


to this:

if((d15 += d16) > 0.0D) 
  b[j3 += short1] = BlockHelper.flylightStone;


It will generate the modded stone as the grass and dirt, I have no clue why!


If I leave it, it will generate fine but with vanilla stone.. (Obviously)

But I have no clue why it wont let me change just that var to suit what I need.


Full chunk provider:



public class ChunkGeneratorFlylight implements IChunkProvider {

private Random rand;
private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen1, noiseGen2, noiseGen3, noiseGen5, noiseGen6;
private NoiseGeneratorPerlin noiseGen4;
private World worldObj;
private final boolean mapFeaturesEnabled;
private WorldType type;
private final double[] da;
private final float[] parabolicField;
private double[] stoneNoise = new double[256];
private MapGenBase caveGenerator = new FlyLightGenCaves();
private MapGenVillage villageGenerator = new MapGenVillage();
private MapGenScatteredFeature scatteredFeatureGenerator = new MapGenScatteredFeature();
private BiomeGenBase[] biomesForGeneration;
double[] gen1, gen2, gen3, gen4;
int[][] ia = new int[32][32];
public WorldGenerator coalGen, emeraldGen, diamondGen, ironGen, lapisGen, goldGen, redstoneGen;

{caveGenerator = TerrainGen.getModdedMapGen(caveGenerator, CAVE); villageGenerator = (MapGenVillage) TerrainGen.getModdedMapGen(villageGenerator, VILLAGE);
	scatteredFeatureGenerator = (MapGenScatteredFeature) TerrainGen.getModdedMapGen(scatteredFeatureGenerator, SCATTERED_FEATURE);}    

public ChunkGeneratorFlylight(World par1World, long par2, boolean par4) {
	this.worldObj = par1World;
	this.mapFeaturesEnabled = par4;
	this.type = par1World.getWorldInfo().getTerrainType();
	this.rand = new Random(par2);
	this.noiseGen1 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 16);
	this.noiseGen2 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 16);
	this.noiseGen3 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, ;
	this.noiseGen4 = new NoiseGeneratorPerlin(this.rand, 4);
	this.noiseGen5 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 10);
	this.noiseGen6 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 16);
	this.da = new double[825];
	this.parabolicField = new float[25];
	lapisGen = new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.Lapis, 4, BlockHelper.flylightStone);
	coalGen = new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.Coal, 4, BlockHelper.flylightStone);
	emeraldGen = new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.Emerald, 4, BlockHelper.flylightStone);
	diamondGen = new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.Diamond, 4, BlockHelper.flylightStone);
	ironGen = new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.Iron, 4, BlockHelper.flylightStone);
	goldGen = new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.Gold, 4, BlockHelper.flylightStone);
	redstoneGen = new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.Redstone, 4, BlockHelper.flylightStone);

	for(int j = -2; j <= 2; ++j) {
		for(int k = -2; k <= 2; ++k) {
			float f = 10.0F / MathHelper.sqrt_float((float)(j * j + k * k) + 0.2F);
			this.parabolicField[j + 2 + (k + 2) * 5] = f;

	NoiseGenerator[] noiseGens = {noiseGen1, noiseGen2, noiseGen3, noiseGen4, noiseGen5, noiseGen6};
	noiseGens = TerrainGen.getModdedNoiseGenerators(par1World, this.rand, noiseGens);
	this.noiseGen1 = (NoiseGeneratorOctaves)noiseGens[0];
	this.noiseGen2 = (NoiseGeneratorOctaves)noiseGens[1];
	this.noiseGen3 = (NoiseGeneratorOctaves)noiseGens[2];
	this.noiseGen4 = (NoiseGeneratorPerlin)noiseGens[3];
	this.noiseGen5 = (NoiseGeneratorOctaves)noiseGens[4];
	this.noiseGen6 = (NoiseGeneratorOctaves)noiseGens[5];

public void generate(int i, int j, Block[] b) {
	byte b0 = 63;
	this.biomesForGeneration = this.worldObj.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomesForGeneration(this.biomesForGeneration, i * 4 - 2, j * 4 - 2, 10, 10);
	this.generate(i * 4, 0, j * 4);

	for(int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
		int l = k * 5;
		int i1 = (k + 1) * 5;

		for(int j1 = 0; j1 < 4; ++j1) {
			int k1 = (l + j1) * 33;
			int l1 = (l + j1 + 1) * 33;
			int i2 = (i1 + j1) * 33;
			int j2 = (i1 + j1 + 1) * 33;

			for(int k2 = 0; k2 < 32; ++k2) {
				double d0 = 0.125D;
				double d1 = this.da[k1 + k2];
				double d2 = this.da[l1 + k2];
				double d3 = this.da[i2 + k2];
				double d4 = this.da[j2 + k2];
				double d5 = (this.da[k1 + k2 + 1] - d1) * d0;
				double d6 = (this.da[l1 + k2 + 1] - d2) * d0;
				double d7 = (this.da[i2 + k2 + 1] - d3) * d0;
				double d8 = (this.da[j2 + k2 + 1] - d4) * d0;

				for(int l2 = 0; l2 < 8; ++l2) {
					double d9 = 0.25D;
					double d10 = d1;
					double d11 = d2;
					double d12 = (d3 - d1) * d9;
					double d13 = (d4 - d2) * d9;

					for(int i3 = 0; i3 < 4; ++i3) {
						int j3 = i3 + k * 4 << 12 | 0 + j1 * 4 << 8 | k2 * 8 + l2;
						short short1 = 256;
						j3 -= short1;
						double d14 = 0.25D;
						double d16 = (d11 - d10) * d14;
						double d15 = d10 - d16;

						for(int k3 = 0; k3 < 4; ++k3) {
							if((d15 += d16) > 0.0D) 
								b[j3 += short1] = Blocks.stone;

							else if(k2 * 8 + l2 < b0) 
								b[j3 += short1] = BlockHelper.Water;
								b[j3 += short1] = null;


						d10 += d12;
						d11 += d13;

					d1 += d5;
					d2 += d6;
					d3 += d7;
					d4 += d8;

public void replaceBlocksForBiome(int i, int j, Block[] ba, byte[] by, BiomeGenBase[] b) {
	ChunkProviderEvent.ReplaceBiomeBlocks event = new ChunkProviderEvent.ReplaceBiomeBlocks(this, i, j, ba, b);
	if(event.getResult() == Result.DENY) return;

	double d0 = 0.03125D;
	this.stoneNoise = this.noiseGen4.func_151599_a(this.stoneNoise, (double)(i * 16), (double)(j * 16), 16, 16, d0 * 2.0D, d0 * 2.0D, 1.0D);

	for(int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
		for(int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) {
			BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = b[l + k * 16];
			biomegenbase.genTerrainBlocks(this.worldObj, this.rand, ba, by, i * 16 + k, j * 16 + l, this.stoneNoise[l + k * 16]);

public Chunk loadChunk(int par1, int par2) {
	return this.provideChunk(par1, par2);

public Chunk provideChunk(int par1, int par2) {
	this.rand.setSeed((long)par1 * 341873128712L + (long)par2 * 132897987541L);
	Block[] ablock = new Block[65536];
	byte[] abyte = new byte[65536];
	this.generate(par1, par2, ablock);
	this.biomesForGeneration = this.worldObj.getWorldChunkManager().loadBlockGeneratorData(this.biomesForGeneration, par1 * 16, par2 * 16, 16, 16);
	this.replaceBlocksForBiome(par1, par2, ablock, abyte, this.biomesForGeneration);
	this.caveGenerator.func_151539_a(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, ablock);

	if(this.mapFeaturesEnabled) {
		this.villageGenerator.func_151539_a(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, ablock);
		this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.func_151539_a(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, ablock);
	Chunk chunk = new Chunk(this.worldObj, ablock, abyte, par1, par2);
	byte[] abyte1 = chunk.getBiomeArray();

	for(int k = 0; k < abyte1.length; ++k) 
		abyte1[k] = (byte)this.biomesForGeneration[k].biomeID;

	return chunk;

private void generate(int x, int y, int z) {
	double d0 = 684.412D;
	double d1 = 684.412D;
	double d2 = 512.0D;
	double d3 = 512.0D;
	this.gen4 = this.noiseGen6.generateNoiseOctaves(this.gen4, x, z, 5, 5, 200.0D, 200.0D, 0.5D);
	this.gen1 = this.noiseGen3.generateNoiseOctaves(this.gen1, x, y, z, 5, 33, 5, 8.555150000000001D, 4.277575000000001D, 8.555150000000001D);
	this.gen2 = this.noiseGen1.generateNoiseOctaves(this.gen2, x, y, z, 5, 33, 5, 684.412D, 684.412D, 684.412D);
	this.gen3 = this.noiseGen2.generateNoiseOctaves(this.gen3, x, y, z, 5, 33, 5, 684.412D, 684.412D, 684.412D);
	boolean flag1 = false;
	boolean flag = false;
	int l = 0;
	int i1 = 0;
	double d4 = 8.5D;

	for(int j1 = 0; j1 < 5; ++j1) {
		for(int k1 = 0; k1 < 5; ++k1) {
			float f = 0.0F;
			float f1 = 0.0F;
			float f2 = 0.0F;
			byte b0 = 2;
			BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.biomesForGeneration[j1 + 2 + (k1 + 2) * 10];

			for(int l1 = -b0; l1 <= b0; ++l1) {
				for(int i2 = -b0; i2 <= b0; ++i2) {
					BiomeGenBase biomegenbase1 = this.biomesForGeneration[j1 + l1 + 2 + (k1 + i2 + 2) * 10];
					float f3 = biomegenbase1.rootHeight;
					float f4 = biomegenbase1.heightVariation;

					if(this.type == WorldType.AMPLIFIED && f3 > 0.0F) {
						f3 = 1.0F + f3 * 2.0F;
						f4 = 1.0F + f4 * 4.0F;

					float f5 = this.parabolicField[l1 + 2 + (i2 + 2) * 5] / (f3 + 2.0F);

					if(biomegenbase1.rootHeight > biomegenbase.rootHeight)
						f5 /= 2.0F;

					f += f4 * f5;
					f1 += f3 * f5;
					f2 += f5;

			f /= f2;
			f1 /= f2;
			f = f * 0.9F + 0.1F;
			f1 = (f1 * 4.0F - 1.0F) / 8.0F;
			double d12 = this.gen4[i1] / 8000.0D;

			if(d12 < 0.0D) {
				d12 = -d12 * 0.3D;

			d12 = d12 * 3.0D - 2.0D;

			if(d12 < 0.0D) {
				d12 /= 2.0D;

				if(d12 < -1.0D) 
					d12 = -1.0D;

				d12 /= 1.4D;
				d12 /= 2.0D;
			} else {
				if(d12 > 1.0D) 
					d12 = 1.0D;

				d12 /= 8.0D;

			double d13 = (double)f1;
			double d14 = (double)f;
			d13 += d12 * 0.2D;
			d13 = d13 * 8.5D / 8.0D;
			double d5 = 8.5D + d13 * 4.0D;

			for(int j2 = 0; j2 < 33; ++j2) {
				double d6 = ((double)j2 - d5) * 12.0D * 128.0D / 256.0D / d14;

				if(d6 < 0.0D) 
					d6 *= 4.0D;

				double d7 = this.gen2[l] / 512.0D;
				double d8 = this.gen3[l] / 512.0D;
				double d9 = (this.gen1[l] / 10.0D + 1.0D) / 2.0D;
				double d10 = MathHelper.denormalizeClamp(d7, d8, d9) - d6;

				if(j2 > 29) {
					double d11 = (double)((float)(j2 - 29) / 3.0F);
					d10 = d10 * (1.0D - d11) + -10.0D * d11;

				this.da[l] = d10;

public boolean chunkExists(int par1, int par2) {
	return true;

public void populate(IChunkProvider par1IChunkProvider, int par2, int par3) {
	int var4 = par2 * 16;
	int var5 = par3 * 16;
	BlockFalling.fallInstantly = true;
	BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(var4 + 16, var5 + 16);
	long p1 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
	long j1 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
	this.rand.setSeed((long)par2 * p1 + (long)par3 * j1 ^ this.worldObj.getSeed());
	boolean flag = false;
	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new PopulateChunkEvent.Pre(par1IChunkProvider, worldObj, rand, par2, par3, flag));
	int j, var12, var13, var14;
	if(this.mapFeaturesEnabled) {
		flag = this.villageGenerator.generateStructuresInChunk(this.worldObj, this.rand, par2, par3);
		this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.generateStructuresInChunk(this.worldObj, this.rand, par2, par3);

	if(rand.nextInt( == 0) {
		int var18 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
		int var19 = rand.nextInt(128);
		int var20 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16) + 8;

		if(var19 < 63 || rand.nextInt(10) == 0) {
			(new WorldGenLakes(BlockHelper.Water)).generate(worldObj, rand, var18, var19, var20);

	for(j = 0; j < 13; j++){
		var12 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = rand.nextInt(250);
		var14 = var5 + rand.nextInt(16);
		coalGen.generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
		var12 = var4 + this.rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = this.rand.nextInt(300);
		var14 = var5 + this.rand.nextInt(16);
		(new WorldGenMinable(BlockHelper.flylightOre, 6, BlockHelper.flylightStone)).generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){
		var12 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = rand.nextInt(200);
		var14 = var5 + rand.nextInt(16);
		ironGen.generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	for(j = 0; j < 6; j++){
		var12 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = rand.nextInt(100);
		var14 = var5 + rand.nextInt(16);
		goldGen.generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	for(j = 0; j < 5; j++){
		var12 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = rand.nextInt(50);
		var14 = var5 + rand.nextInt(16);
		diamondGen.generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){
		var12 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = rand.nextInt(60);
		var14 = var5 + rand.nextInt(16);
		redstoneGen.generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	for(j = 0; j < 5; j++){
		var12 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = rand.nextInt(50);
		var14 = var5 + rand.nextInt(16);
		emeraldGen.generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){
		var12 = var4 + rand.nextInt(16);
		var13 = rand.nextInt(50);
		var14 = var5 + rand.nextInt(16);
		lapisGen.generate(worldObj, rand, var12, var13, var14);

	WorldGenFlylightTree var17 = new WorldGenFlylightTree(true);
	int var19, var18, var21, var20, i, xMin = par2 << 4, zMin = par3 << 4;

	int startX = xMin + rand.nextInt(16), startZ = zMin + rand.nextInt(16);

	int tries = rand.nextInt(2), x = startX + rand.nextInt( - rand.nextInt(, z = startZ + rand.nextInt( - rand.nextInt(, y = worldObj.getHeightValue(x, z);

	for(var18 = 0; var18 < 1; ++var18) {
		var19 = var4 + this.rand.nextInt(16);
		var20 = var5 + this.rand.nextInt(16);
		var21 = this.worldObj.getHeightValue(var19, var20);
		var17.generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var19, var21, var20);

	for(i = 0; i < 60; i++) { 
		if((worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y, z) || BlockHelper.Flower1.canBlockStay(worldObj, x, y, z))) {
			if(rand.nextInt(50) > 1)
			worldObj.setBlock(x, y, z, BlockHelper.Flower1, 0, 0);

	for(i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
		if((worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y, z) || BlockHelper.Flower2.canBlockStay(worldObj, x, y, z))) {
			if(rand.nextInt(50) > 1)
			worldObj.setBlock(x, y, z, BlockHelper.Flower2, 0, 0);

	for(i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
		if((worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y, z) || BlockHelper.FlylightGrass.canBlockStay(worldObj, x, y, z))) {
			if(rand.nextInt(50) > 1)
			worldObj.setBlock(x, y, z, BlockHelper.FlylightGrass, 0, 0);

	for(i = 0; i < 80; i++) {          
		if((worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y, z) || BlockHelper.flylightFern.canBlockStay(worldObj, x, y, z))) {
			if(rand.nextInt(50) > 1)
			worldObj.setBlock(x, y, z, BlockHelper.flylightFern, 0, 0);

	biomegenbase.decorate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var4, var5);

	if(TerrainGen.populate(par1IChunkProvider, worldObj, rand, par2, par3, flag, ANIMALS)) 
		SpawnerAnimals.performWorldGenSpawning(this.worldObj, biomegenbase, var4 + 8, var5 + 8, 16, 16, this.rand);

	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new PopulateChunkEvent.Post(par1IChunkProvider, worldObj, rand, par2, par3, flag));
	BlockFalling.fallInstantly = false;

public boolean saveChunks(boolean par1, IProgressUpdate par2IProgressUpdate) {
	return true;

public void saveExtraData() { }

public boolean unloadQueuedChunks() {
	return false;

public boolean canSave() {
	return true;

public String makeString() {
	return "RandomLevelSource";

public List getPossibleCreatures(EnumCreatureType par1EnumCreatureType, int par2, int par3, int par4) {
	BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(par2, par4);
	return par1EnumCreatureType == EnumCreatureType.monster && this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.func_143030_a(par2, par3, par4) ? this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.getScatteredFeatureSpawnList() : biomegenbase.getSpawnableList(par1EnumCreatureType);

public ChunkPosition func_147416_a(World p_147416_1_, String p_147416_2_, int p_147416_3_, int p_147416_4_, int p_147416_5_) {
	return null;

public int getLoadedChunkCount() {
	return 0;

public void recreateStructures(int par1, int par2) {
	if(this.mapFeaturesEnabled) {
		this.villageGenerator.func_151539_a(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, (Block[])null);
		this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.func_151539_a(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, (Block[])null);





Former developer for DivineRPG, Pixelmon and now the maker of Essence of the Gods


You mean the grass and dirt are not spawning on top of it or the actual stone is only the top layer?  Personally I replace the stone in the new generate terrain function that you can override in your biome.  I think because the top and filler blocks only spawn on vanilla stone you have to do it that way.  Copy the genTerrainBlocks from the vanilla BiomeGenBase class, put it in your biome and change the vanilla stone to your stone in that as well.

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    • Thank you so much Choonster! That's what i was missing! For now i added a folder assets/<mod_id>/items and put the model definition JSON file with the item name in it: { "model":{ "type": "minecraft:model", "model": "teleportpugmod:item/teleportpug" } }   Some log errors/warnings pointing me into the right direction would've been nice 😅 Haven't had much time to look into the DataGenerator and ModelProviders, because i'm still at work. But i guess these would would make more sense if have many custom items and want to generate these model definition files?
    • Minecraft 1.21.4 requires a new model definition file for each item, which you don't have. These can be created through Data Generation, specifically the ModelProvider, BlockModelGenerators and ItemModelGenerators classes.
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    • Hi, i'm really having problems trying to set the texture to my custom item. I thought i'm doing everything correctly, but all i see is the missing texture block for my item. I am trying this for over a week now and getting really frustrated. The only time i could make the texture work, was when i used an older Forge version (52.0.1) for Minecraft (1.21.4). Was there a fundamental change for textures and models somewhere between versions that i'm missing? I started with Forge 54.1.0 and had this problem, so in my frustration i tried many things: Upgrading to Forge 54.1.1, created multiple new projects, workspaces, redownloaded everything and setting things up multiple times, as it was suggested in an older thread. Therea are no errors in the console logs, but maybe i'm blind, so i pasted the console logs to pastebin anyway: https://pastebin.com/zAM8RiUN The only time i see an error is when i change the models JSON file to an incorrect JSON which makes sense and that suggests to me it is actually reading the JSON file.   I set the github repository to public, i would be so thankful if anyone could take a look and tell me what i did wrong: https://github.com/xLorkin/teleport_pug_forge   As a note: i'm pretty new to modding, this is my first mod ever. But i'm used to programming. I had some up and downs, but through reading the documentation, using google and experimenting, i could solve all other problems. I only started modding for Minecraft because my son is such a big fan and wanted this mod.
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