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Making it possible to use NBT to dicide the texture of the block.

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I'm building a drop that contains the TileEntity of a block.


I already have the itemstack giving the name like this:



        public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack is)


NBTTagCompound nbtb = new NBTTagCompound();

nbtb = is.stackTagCompound;

if(nbtb != null)


String name = nbtb.getString("WrenchDrop_NAME");

if(name != null)


return name;



return "No Block";



I need some way to give the Block a texture bassed on the NBT when it is in a ItemStack (in inventory of player).


Thanks if you can make it possible :)


You can, either use a ISpecialBlockRenderHandler or a TileEntityRenderer.

'Normal' blocks do not have any of that extra metadata so we can't pass it into them.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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You can, either use a ISpecialBlockRenderHandler or a TileEntityRenderer.

'Normal' blocks do not have any of that extra metadata so we can't pass it into them.


Where can I find the >ISpecialBlockRenderHandler<?

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