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[SOLVED] Changing items texture when the mouse is over the item in the inventory

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As the question states, I want to change the texture of my item (only the one under the mouse) to another one when the mouse is hovering over it.


Does anyone have any ideas and or suggestions on how to go about this? Thanks.

We all stuff up sometimes... But I seem to be at the bottom of that pot.


Thanks diesieben07 for the idea.


However, I am having an annoying time trying to implement it!


I have this:

GuiScreen currentScreen = ModuleDendri.proxy.getCurrentScreen();

if (currentScreen != null)
if (currentScreen instanceof GuiContainer)
        	Container container = ( (GuiContainer) currentScreen ).inventorySlots;

        	for (int j = 0; j < container.inventorySlots.size(); ++j)
		Slot slot = (Slot) container.inventorySlots.get(j);

		if (slot.getStack() != null)
			if (slot.getStack().getItem() == ItemDendri.mist_bottle)
				int x = slot.xDisplayPosition - 1;
				int y = slot.yDisplayPosition - 1;
				int mouseX = Mouse.getX();
				int mouseY = this.flippedMouseY();

                        	if (mouseX >= ( x ) && mouseX <= ( x + 17 ))
					if (mouseY >= ( y ) && mouseY <= ( y + 17 ))
						return this.spriteIcons[getSpriteIndex(this.containedDendri)];


And the slot coordinates are so wrong it's not funny. Here is an example of the coordinates:

Slot X: 62
Slot Y: 111
Mouse X: 374
Mouse Y: 348


So what I need now is a way to move my slot coordinates to the right spot, or to have the mouse coordinates translated to the right spot. And I don't want to just go about and say Mouse.getX() - 200; or something like that. Unless of course that works when you resize the screen... (Which I highly doubt).

We all stuff up sometimes... But I seem to be at the bottom of that pot.


What would you suggest is doing it?


This is what they use:


        if (this.mc.inGameHasFocus && flag)
            float f1 = this.mc.gameSettings.mouseSensitivity * 0.6F + 0.2F;
            float f2 = f1 * f1 * f1 * 8.0F;
            float f3 = (float)this.mc.mouseHelper.deltaX * f2;
            float f4 = (float)this.mc.mouseHelper.deltaY * f2;
            byte b0 = 1;

            if (this.mc.gameSettings.invertMouse)
                b0 = -1;

            if (this.mc.gameSettings.smoothCamera)
                this.smoothCamYaw += f3;
                this.smoothCamPitch += f4;
                float f5 = par1 - this.smoothCamPartialTicks;
                this.smoothCamPartialTicks = par1;
                f3 = this.smoothCamFilterX * f5;
                f4 = this.smoothCamFilterY * f5;
                this.mc.thePlayer.setAngles(f3, f4 * (float)b0);
                this.mc.thePlayer.setAngles(f3, f4 * (float)b0);


We all stuff up sometimes... But I seem to be at the bottom of that pot.


Thanks so much diesieben07!


For anyone who is wanting to know how to do it, here is what I used:

public IIcon getIconIndex(ItemStack par1ItemStack)
	if (this.containsDendri)
		GuiScreen currentScreen = ModuleDendri.proxy.getCurrentScreen();

		if (currentScreen != null)
			if (currentScreen instanceof GuiContainer)
				Container container = ( (GuiContainer) currentScreen ).inventorySlots;

				for (int j = 0; j < container.inventorySlots.size(); ++j)
					Slot slot = (Slot) container.inventorySlots.get(j);

					if (slot.getStack() != null)
						if (slot.getStack() == par1ItemStack)
							Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
							ScaledResolution sr = new ScaledResolution(mc.gameSettings, mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight);
							final int x = slot.xDisplayPosition - 1;
							final int y = slot.yDisplayPosition - 1;
							final int width = sr.getScaledWidth();
							final int height = sr.getScaledHeight();
							final int guiLeft = (width - 176) / 2;
							final int guiTop = (height - 166) / 2;
							final int mouseX = (Mouse.getX() * width / mc.displayWidth) - guiLeft + 9;
							final int mouseY = (height - Mouse.getY() * height / mc.displayHeight - 1) - guiTop - 15;

							if (mouseX >= ( x ) && mouseX <= ( x + 17 ))
								if (mouseY >= ( y ) && mouseY <= ( y + 17 ))
									return this.symbolIcons[getSymbolIndexForContainedDendri()];
		return this.icons[1];
	return this.icons[0];

We all stuff up sometimes... But I seem to be at the bottom of that pot.

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