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After adding a few more mods today to my Forge instance and then trying to run it on a dedicated server, I came across the following error when my client attempts to connect to the server:


Connection Lost

Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException:
java.io.IOException: Packet was larger than I expected, found 65536 bytes extra whilst reading packet 63


I tried running the new mods alone in their own instance with no issues. Then I went about troubleshooting by adding each mod individually until the exception would start occurring. When I thought I found the mod that causes the error, I would try it alone then slowly start adding mods alongside it until it would be a new mod that caused the error that had been working previously. I figured it could be having that number of mods installed causing the issue. And here we are.


Full Client Log: https://paste.ee/p/ex49J

Full Server Log: https://paste.ee/p/f80MV


No crashes. Just a disconnect caused by the exception.


I started to have the same problem, had the same 65536 bytes extra in packet 63 in Forge 1172 and when I updated to 1180 the byte count doubled to 131072 in the same packet.

I have 80 mods and tried the same thing of eliminating the the faulty mod, but had the same outcome as you.


Single player world loads fine with same mods, when I start my server and try to join it with either of my two computers, the following packet error pops up.


I'm having the same issue too. I'm running Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 with roughly 40 mods. Everything works like a champ in single player mode but as soon as I try to start up a server I cannot connect with the exact same error: "NetworkDispatcher exception

io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.io.IOException: Packet was larger than I expected, found 65536 bytes extra whilst reading packet 63"


Posting my fml-client-latest.log in case it helps:https://paste.ee/p/zXHI9


edit: Fixed link to actually link


So while trying to help troubleshoot this a bit I tried a "binary search" against my set of mods. I took the top half of them and put them in a client and separate server. This worked. Then I took the bottom half of my set of mods and put them in client and separate server and it worked as expected. So then I started combining the top and bottom sets until it broke. Like the OP mentioned it doesn't appear to be a specific mod as all of them at one point were in a test set that worked without the error.


Sometimes I was able to get 42 mods to load without an issue and others it would have the error with only 39 mods installed. I don't think it's the number of mods but possibly the total number of things (items, entities, blocks, etc. etc.) that the mods add/register with Forge. Maybe it has something to do with the client telling the server what mod things it knows about that it doesn't have to tell it in single player mode? But that's just my guess.


Hope this helps.


If one of you can provide me with your mod pack I can try and test things out tonight.

This is interesting tho in your log:


[10:53:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Recursing into package JavaVirtualMachines.1.6.0.jdk.Contents.Home.bundle.Home.bundle.Home.bundle.Home.bundle.Home.bundle.Home.bundle.Home.bundle.Home.bundle.Home.




Any idea where that is coming from and why it has 'Home.bundle' so many times?

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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I'll see about getting my mods into a GitHub repo (I need to do that anyway) for you to pull from.


I've got no idea about the message you put up but I'll poke around. Maybe it's something crazy MultiMC is doing but it's odd since:


[10:53:04] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_51, running on Mac OS X:x86_64:10.9.4, installed at /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_51.jdk/Contents/Home/jre


Lex, I pushed my modpack out to https://github.com/cdempsey/mac-pack-2. During testing I just let the /config files generate and didn't change anything in them on the off chance it was some config option I'd set.



I've also noticed that same client log message in every MultiMC (both 1.7.2 and 1.7.10-based) instance I've got that as Forge loaded. Methinks it's something going on there with MultiMC but I'll take a look.




When I load the same version of Forge outside of MultiMC I don't see those client logs. Pretty sure it's some magic that MultiMC is doing. I'll take it up with them.


Sorry about slow answering to this topic, but my 6 months old kid takes up almost all the free time. Earlier I tested cutting the mods to 50, then the byte count reduced to 65536 from the 131072.

Then I started to remove mods, but got down to 45 until my kid woke up. Still the same error.

I have pure Forge server and use the normal launcher, I even tried tampering with my routers settings couple days ago when I tried to get my server running again in 1.7.10.


Here is a link to my dropbox containing my mods folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lo6ei2ady1tgyei/mods.zip


I'll see if I have time to send my logs. But basically those are the same as the topics author has posted. IOException 65536 bytes in packet 63 and after that the logs display random Bad Packet IDs


Ninja edit: That is the mods folder from my testing sessions... So there are more mods in the pack I have been using earlier when the errors started. I can post the full modpack if needed and try to provide my logs too.


edit: i was quoting this one:


So while trying to help troubleshoot this a bit I tried a "binary search" against my set of mods. I took the top half of them and put them in a client and separate server. This worked. Then I took the bottom half of my set of mods and put them in client and separate server and it worked as expected. So then I started combining the top and bottom sets until it broke. Like the OP mentioned it doesn't appear to be a specific mod as all of them at one point were in a test set that worked without the error.


Sometimes I was able to get 42 mods to load without an issue and others it would have the error with only 39 mods installed. I don't think it's the number of mods but possibly the total number of things (items, entities, blocks, etc. etc.) that the mods add/register with Forge. Maybe it has something to do with the client telling the server what mod things it knows about that it doesn't have to tell it in single player mode? But that's just my guess.


Hope this helps.


that's right. after i removed a mod that ads a lot of blocs worked to add many more mods


What you posted there is a thing that I made ages ago, which never got anywhere. It has NOTHING to do with forge.


yeah, sorry :) i was pretty tired last night. i saw the date now. but i think is somewhere around there in the new forge also. anyway, we need a solution for that issue


Just had the time to test again with full mod list that I have accumulated. Updated few mods and added some, did fresh configs etc. Still IOExpection 131072 bytes extra in packet 63. Earlier I did a clear install of Minecraft and installed server to a cleared folder but those tricks did not help.

Here are the logs from server and client. And the full zip of my mods folder. Hope this helps a little.








This thing is happening for me too. I've spent most of the day tracking down what i thought was a specific mod that errored. But now its clear that its just the number of mods/IDs added that really counts. I got all my mods added to the client (62 ATM) without a problem, and i can even start a SP world without any conflicts. The problem occurs when i want to join my dedicated server.

If i add a mod with a lot of IDs etc. Forestry or Natura, I have to remove a lot of the "smaller" mods like jabba/enderstorage/RemoteIO.

I use Forge on both client and local server installed on windows 7 ultimate x64 with java 7_60


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