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[Solved] Problem with BaseMod iterator


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Hi, working on a compatibliy method to interface with SmartMoving Mod.


Normally I use this line of code when using Modloader. Works like a charm and allow my mod to hook in. "Btw when I program with Modloader I use only .txt not eclipse"

net.minecraft.src.BaseMod mod = (BaseMod)iterator.next();


However, while using eclipse and Forge. That line of code is red D:

net.minecraft.src.BaseMod mod = (BaseMod)iterator.next();


Which states: BaseMod cannot be resolved to a type.


Any solutions?


Just for added help, here is the rest of the code... for this method.



java.util.List list = net.minecraft.src.ModLoader.getLoadedMods();
			java.util.Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
				net.minecraft.src.BaseMod mod = (BaseMod)iterator.next();

       						 java.lang.Class modType = mod.getClass();

         					 java.lang.reflect.Method getInstance = modType
         					       .getMethod("getInstance", net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayer.class);

        					 java.lang.Object instance = getInstance
         					       .invoke(mod, Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer);

       						 java.lang.Class type = instance.getClass();

         					 java.lang.reflect.Method getExhaustion = type
       						 java.lang.reflect.Method addExhaustion = type
        					        .getMethod("addExhaustion", float.class);
      						 java.lang.reflect.Method setMaxExhaustionForAction = type
         					       .getMethod("setMaxExhaustionForAction", float.class);
       						 java.lang.reflect.Method setMaxExhaustionToStartAction = type
       						         .getMethod("setMaxExhaustionToStartAction", float.class);

       						 // the current exhaustion
       						 float currentExhaustion = (Float)getExhaustion.invoke(instance);

       						 //ActivateSmartMoving for AsgardShield
       						 mod_AsgardShield.smartMovingModActive = true;
       						 //asgardShieldExhaustion = currentExhaustion;
       						 if (mod_AsgardShield.EnableSmartMovingGuardID == true && mod_AsgardShield.smartMovingModActive == true)

       							 // for checking whether a specific
       							 // action/activity is possible right now
       							 if(currentExhaustion <= 100F)
       								 if (p.isBlocking())
       									 if(ItemAsgardShield.asgardShieldActive == true || ItemZedSword.zedSwordActive == true)
       										 // additional exhaustion per tick for the current
       										 // action/activity (may be completely consumed by
       										 // 'exhaustion loss per tick' if too small)
       										 addExhaustion.invoke(instance, .37F); 

       										 // set display to how high the exhaustion may get until
       										 // the current activity can not be continued any more
       										 setMaxExhaustionForAction.invoke(instance, 100F);

       										 // set display to how low the exhaustion need to be for
       										 // the current action/activity to be restarted again
       										 // (should really really be lower than the number above)
       										 setMaxExhaustionToStartAction.invoke(instance, 11.11F);
       							 if (mod_AsgardShield.shieldBroke == false)
       								 if (currentExhaustion >= 66.66F){mod_AsgardShield.guardTired = true; p.stopUsingItem();}
       								 if (currentExhaustion <= 33.33F && mod_AsgardShield.guardTired == true){mod_AsgardShield.guardTired = false;}
       					catch(java.lang.Exception e)




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Full SmartMoving Interface Code. That was said to place anywhere long as it ran every tick.




			java.util.List list = net.minecraft.src.ModLoader.getLoadedMods();
			java.util.Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
				net.minecraft.src.BaseMod mod = (BaseMod)iterator.next();

       						 java.lang.Class modType = mod.getClass();

         					 java.lang.reflect.Method getInstance = modType
         					       .getMethod("getInstance", net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayer.class);

        					 java.lang.Object instance = getInstance
         					       .invoke(mod, Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer);

       						 java.lang.Class type = instance.getClass();

         					 java.lang.reflect.Method getExhaustion = type
       						 java.lang.reflect.Method addExhaustion = type
        					        .getMethod("addExhaustion", float.class);
      						 java.lang.reflect.Method setMaxExhaustionForAction = type
         					       .getMethod("setMaxExhaustionForAction", float.class);
       						 java.lang.reflect.Method setMaxExhaustionToStartAction = type
       						         .getMethod("setMaxExhaustionToStartAction", float.class);

       						 // the current exhaustion
       						 float currentExhaustion = (Float)getExhaustion.invoke(instance);

       						 //ActivateSmartMoving for AsgardShield
       						 mod_AsgardShield.smartMovingModActive = true;
       						 //asgardShieldExhaustion = currentExhaustion;
       						 if (mod_AsgardShield.EnableSmartMovingGuardID == true && mod_AsgardShield.smartMovingModActive == true)

       							 // for checking whether a specific
       							 // action/activity is possible right now
       							 if(currentExhaustion <= 100F)
       								 if (p.isBlocking())
       									 if(ItemAsgardShield.asgardShieldActive == true || ItemZedSword.zedSwordActive == true)
       										 // additional exhaustion per tick for the current
       										 // action/activity (may be completely consumed by
       										 // 'exhaustion loss per tick' if too small)
       										 addExhaustion.invoke(instance, .37F); 

       										 // set display to how high the exhaustion may get until
       										 // the current activity can not be continued any more
       										 setMaxExhaustionForAction.invoke(instance, 100F);

       										 // set display to how low the exhaustion need to be for
       										 // the current action/activity to be restarted again
       										 // (should really really be lower than the number above)
       										 setMaxExhaustionToStartAction.invoke(instance, 11.11F);
       							 if (mod_AsgardShield.shieldBroke == false)
       								 if (currentExhaustion >= 66.66F){mod_AsgardShield.guardTired = true; p.stopUsingItem();}
       								 if (currentExhaustion <= 33.33F && mod_AsgardShield.guardTired == true){mod_AsgardShield.guardTired = false;}
       					catch(java.lang.Exception e)





I have no more errors, however no response with SmartMoving either =/.

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