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[1.6.4] Override .ogg location?


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Whatever you specify when creating your record Item.


Here is my code

public static Item Record1 = new ModRecord1(2301, "minebeats:sounds.potato").setUnlocalizedName("Record1");


But it doesnt work

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Is your sound registered? Is it in the right location?


I know my files are in the right place because I display the file names on a gui button, so its probably a problem in my SoundHandler. Here is the code

package MineBeats;

import net.minecraftforge.client.event.sound.SoundLoadEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe;

public class SoundHandler
public void onSound(SoundLoadEvent event)
System.out.println("[Event] Dan's Sounds are loaded" );
event.manager.addSound(MineBeats.beatsdirectory + "\\" + MineBeats.music[0]);


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