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Alright so I am new to the modding community and I am wondering what I need to do to add a fuel!

Here is my code for my Item Class It is near the bottom:



package korcraft;


import net.minecraft.src.Item;

import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.src.ModLoader;

import net.minecraft.src.TileEntityFurnace;

public class ItemClass extends Item {


protected ItemClass(int par1) {



public String getTextureFile(){

return "/KorCraftTextures/Items.png";


        public int getItemBurnTime(ItemStack itemstack){


int i = itemstack.getItem().shiftedIndex;


if(i == KorCraftBase.FireCoal.shiftedIndex){

return 16000;//1600 per coal and 3200 for volcanite clump


if(i == KorCraftBase.VolcaniteClump.shiftedIndex){

return 3200;//800 per volcanite shard


if(i == KorCraftBase.VolcaniteShard.shiftedIndex){

return 800;//800 for a volcanite shard


return 0;



                Alright, so my problem is that it is not registering my items as a fuel when I put it in a furnace. If you have any advice please email me @ [email protected]



The Korecraft Mod


You should make a class which implements IFuelHandler, then do the same thing as you're doing in your item class, then register is using cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.registerFuelHandler.


Alright, thanks that did work and I am now in my stage (working fuels and stuff) next step is elemental picks!)(Oh god for the coding on that... need to add a new enchantment without occupying the slot for enchantment!)

The Korecraft Mod

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