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An issue of potential Harrassement being supported by some moderators here


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I have noticed several cases of potential harassment on this forum. The most recent examples of degrading comments that may constitute harassment can be seen in the

[1.7.10] Do Something When Tamed Dog Dies? [/Quote] forum topic http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,26157.0.html.


I would like to submit an official complaint due to such occurrences happening. To quote diesieben07

This Forum is not for learning Java. If you come here with 0 Java knowledge, you need to expect some harsh comments. End of discussion.([/Quote]. This forum is here for modder support, (support in using the forge API and not for Harassment). I realize that this forum is not for learning Java, and I realize that it is frustrating that people with varying levels of Java knowledge make posts. But I am still a learner as are most of you and I am not here to get anyone to teach me Java. But I am learning Java using modding and have learned alot thanks to modding with the Forge API for the last two years (coupled with books like Java for dummies 6th edition and many many lectures/tutorials. Modding Minecraft makes learning Java fun and inspires people to learn programming thus advancing the field, please help support this by refraining from using "harsh" comments. No one should have to be subjected to them, everyone has a right to learn Java and to mod. If they violate the forums rules, inform them of it and direct them to appropriate resources to correct the problem.


Remember The forum states that

This is the support section for those modding with Forge. Help with modding goes in here, however, please keep in mind that this is not a Java school. You are expected to have basic knowledge of Java before posting here. [/Quote] So the expectation is set but I know every single person that uses this forum has made the following mistake


int myVariable

if(myvariable = null) {} 


all programmers make this mistake but that doesnt mean that they do not know the basics of Java. If you see a stupid mistake or even a few try to point them out and direct the person to other resources and suggest they read more about the language. So please stick to following this forums rules and offer help with the forge api and modding.


Direct those whose post you think do not demonstrate enough Basic Java experience/understanding to appropriate resources and lock their topic and do this in a respectful way.


Also this post directly addresses an issue found inside the community and asks for help addressing an issue that surrounds Forge development this issue is the potential harassment that seems to be supported by some moderators and as such is on topic in my opinion. My goal is to keep this community a safe and awesome place where modders can get help with their issues related to Forge, and hwere more people can be inspired to learn programming. Please consider my request. Thanks everybody.

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I did. It's a non static method, so I can't use it.

This crashes

static EntityWolf wolf;

public static void onEntityLivingDeath(LivingDeathEvent event)

  if (event.entityLiving instanceof EntityWolf && wolf.isTamed())
       System.out.println("YOU KILLED A WOLF!!");


So what do I have to make it equal to. I've tried

EntityWolf wolf = new EntityWolf();


Clear indicator that the user is not making a simple mistakes and has no idea WTF they're doing.  This is three incredibly grievous errors caused by a lack of understanding of programming at a core level, not merely a typo or an accidental mistake.  The fact that they have managed to release functional mods is irrelevant, as there's a lot of crap you can get away with when you're just adding new blocks and items because the workhorse is actually all of the stuff that Vanilla and Forge do for you.


This is not "oops, I accidentally assigned null rather than comparing" this is "I don't know how to use objects."


So the expectation is set but I know every single person that uses this forum has made the following mistake


int myVariable
if(myvariable = null) {} 


Eclipse won't let that compile.  For two reasons.

1) null cannot be cast to int:


Even adding an explicit cast will crash the program at runtime (I tried once, just to see).

2) objects (even simple types) cannot be cast to booleans implicitly:



And Eclipse should have warned him about his uninitialized variable:



Sure.  We all make mistakes.  We programers are fueled by insanity, Mountain Dew, and severe sleep deprivation.  But there's no excuse for incompetence of this level and having to walk through each and every person how to solve simple errors is not worth my time.  I thank people like diesieben07 and shieldbug1 for putting up with my stupidity regarding rather complex data manipulation, storage techniques, and ASM.  But at least it's simple errors with incredibly complex devices ("oh that's why it wasn't working, because I had to reinstall stuff, I forgot the launch parameter to tell Forge to look for my coremod class").


But you know, if you are unhappy with the way people who don't know WTF they're doing around here are treated...there's a report button right here ↓

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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I'd like to add that if you truly want to learn programming, it's best if you stay away from modding altogether. Sure, modding is fun and all, and it's exciting to see something that you do work; however, compared to programming exercises, it teaches you next to nothing. For example, if you implement an algorithm like Djikstra's, or even a simple sorting algorithm in Java, you'll learn much more about the object hierarchy and problem solving in general than getting a Block to render.


Learning a language isn't about knowing just how to code; it's more about knowing what your code does. Learning Java doesn't just include knowing how to write Java code, it also includes understanding the code that you write too, and modding Minecraft will definitely not teach you what is actually happening. For debugging purposes, the latter becomes much more important, and the distinction between knowing how to write code and understanding what code does becomes quite clear.

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int myVariable

if(myvariable = null) {} 


This is a spelling mistake, fixed by a cup of coffee, and has nothing to do with java knowledge


static EntityWolf wolf;

public static void onEntityLivingDeath(LivingDeathEvent event)

  if (event.entityLiving instanceof EntityWolf && wolf.isTamed())
       System.out.println("YOU KILLED A WOLF!!");



this is only a logical error cuz how would a dog you just created ever be tamed? it does not even excist?

instead you use the parameter you get wich is the event that contains the EntityLiving that got killed, after checking if its a instance of a EntityWolf you can cast it to EntityWolf and check if its tamed.

This is really basic java and you cant expect to get too much help in a MODDER support with java questions.

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