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[1.7.10] Getting the itemstack while in a GUI


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I have a gui and I wish to get the current itemstack that the player is holding so that I may conditionally apply damage to it depending on what happens in the GUI whenever a certain key is released. I have the key release code working but havent been able to get the itemstack. Is there a simple solution. I tried the following and the key release code works. Now all I need is to get the itemstack that the player is currently holding.


private void keyReleased(int key, int event){
		this.random = 0;
		this.numberOfGuesses ++;
		if(mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem() != null && (mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem().getItem()==CommonProxy.Customitem)){
			int damage = 0;
			 // here is where I need to get the itemstack but I am unsure how to do it



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It will never work. KeyBindings are client side. You will need to send packet to server if you want to apply any kind of changes.

How To: On KeyBinding send packet, get sender from context, get his inventory, get itemstack, check nulls, get item, update item.


Good tutorial on packets:


1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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Ok so I wrote this class but I am not sure what to do in the last method

public class MessageUpdateCustomItem extends MyCustomAbstractMessage<MessageUpdateCustomItem>{

private int itemDamage;

public MessageUpdateCustomItem(){}

public MessageUpdateLCustomItem(CustomItem theCustomItem, int damage){

	this.itemDamage = damage;

public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) {

	this.itemDamage = buf.readInt();

public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) {


public IMessage handleClientMessage(EntityPlayer player, MessageUpdateCustomItem message, MessageContext ctx) {
	//handle(player, message, ctx);
	return null;

public IMessage handleServerMessage(EntityPlayer player, MessageUpdateCustomItem message, MessageContext ctx) {
	handle(player, message, ctx);
	return message;

private void handle(EntityPlayer player, MessageUpdateCustomItem message, MessageContext ctx){	
				//I am not sure what to do here

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General note: You SHOULDN'T allow client to edit server values, that is very unsafe if you ask me.


CustomItem theCustomItem - you don't need to send it.


Basically (following my previous post) you wan't to send new damageValue, then in handler you will need to:

ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.inventory //ctx is MsgContext


Then get your item and edit it on server side. After editing, given ItemStack will auto-update to all since ItemStacks are auto updated. Note that you can only edit meta and NBT (you probably know that).


Remember to properly register packet (Side.SERVER) - everything is included in tut i linked :)

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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Good Point regarding the hacking bit, would this work since Gui is on client side. Player presses a keyboard key then inside the

@Override public void handleKeyboardInput() 

method i check if the key was released and if the key was released then I add 1 to an itemdamage variable and send a request to server (maybe my own packet or the same way as item enchant is done). That request contains the name of requested item that I want to damage. Then somehow get the Server to get this request and make the server get player from server side container (EntityPlayerMP#opencontainer) and then get the itemstack that i want and update the itemstacks damage. Im not 100% sure on how to implement this but logically i think this would work wouldnt it and would get around the hacking issue you mentioned i think?

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