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Constant Crashes after installing the new Forge Version

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So I have recently installed the new forge version but it crashes occasionally. There's no common thing that I can see that would cause it.  Below are the relevant information.


Crash Log - http://pastebin.com/XnKZBH3J


The format also called for the FML logs but I can't really find them.  Am I suppose to have Forge and Forge Mod loader installed?


As for mods.  I have the following.


Forge installed with Chatlog.

Then I installed LiteLoader and put VoxelMap on.

I do not have mcpatacher or optifine.

This all started when I wanted to start using Chatlog.  It refused to work with the forge version I have but after consulting with some nice folks over at the chatlog thread, I realized I didn't have the proper Forge installed.  So I installed Forge, put chatlog on and put litloader on so I can use Voxel Map.  My forge does crash even without using liteloader iirc so it can't be liteloader.


Any advice you can give would be helpful.

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Why would we need to release a newer version?

Post logs as to show the errors, forge works just fine.

ALWAYS post logs.

Well do you have any solution for the BungeCord probleme or "internal exception" i never had that probleme with 1.7.10 forge , and when we run "vanilla" forge i don't have this probleme :(

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The solution is BungeeCord to update, There is NO reason for them to error besides there own short-sightedness.

The changes that have been made to FML's protocol in 1.8 allow us to more easily support things like BungeeCord, and allow us to natively support vanilla clients connecting to Forge servers.


There is NOTHING I need, or can do on my end to make this work any better. It is 100% in their court now. Go bitch at them.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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1) Don't hijack others threads

2) DO NOT post issues without logs seriously, basics here -.-

3) Warmaster: What are you doing that causes that crash? It is telling me that something is setting a block to air that it should be a Skull.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Might be useful.

What you jsut told me is that you are on a server that is non-standard.

Something on that server is probably triggering it.

SOMETHING is telling it to render a Skull when it is really AIR there.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Yup looks like its a server issue, its sending the tile entity to the client before it is sending the world chunk.

Another god damn bukkit bug that I have to work around -.-


Because i've gotten tired of dealing with this bullshit, here is a VERY FUCKING HACKY workaround to Bukkit being broken.

If render errors happen down the line BLAME BUKKIT.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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