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I've been working on an NEI addon (long overdue) for my Fusion Furnace, however I can't get it to display properly. The texture is definitely being loaded, as the flames/bubbles work properly. However, the background slots aren't being displayed, giving it an odd appearance. I'm not sure if the slots are being removed because of the items displaying in front of them (even though the items are obviously transparent), or if I have something messed up.


Here's a picture of what the Fusion Furnace gui looks like:




And here's a picture of what it is showing as in NEI:




And here's my FusionRecipeHandler.java:



package alexndr.plugins.Fusion.nei;

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.List;

import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

import alexndr.plugins.Fusion.FusionFurnaceRecipes;
import alexndr.plugins.Fusion.GuiFusionFurnace;
import alexndr.plugins.Fusion.RecipeEntry;
import codechicken.nei.PositionedStack;
import codechicken.nei.api.API;
import codechicken.nei.recipe.FurnaceRecipeHandler;
import codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;

* @author AleXndrTheGr8st
* With help from Zot201
public class FusionRecipeHandler extends TemplateRecipeHandler{

public static final String ID = "fusion";

private static final int X0 = 0;
private static final int Y0 = 15;

private static final int X1 = 5;
private static final int Y1 = 5;

public void drawBackground(int i) {
	GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);

static {
	API.setGuiOffset(GuiFusionFurnace.class, -x(0), -y(0));

protected static int x(int x) {
	return x + X0 - X1;
protected static int y(int y) {
	return y + Y0 - Y1;

public void loadTransferRects() {
	transferRects.add(new RecipeTransferRect(new Rectangle(x(51), y(34), 24, 18), ID));
	transferRects.add(new RecipeTransferRect(new Rectangle(x(100), y(34), 24, 18), ID));

public void drawExtras(int recipe) {
	drawProgressBar(x(105), y(55), 176, 0, 190 - 176, 14, 48, 7); // Left Flames
	drawProgressBar(x(55), y(55), 176, 0, 190 - 176, 14, 48, 7); // Right Flames
	drawProgressBar(x(51), y(34), 176, 14, 200 - 176, 31 - 14, 48, 0); // Left Arrow
	drawProgressBar(x(100), y(34), 176, 31, 200 - 176, 31 - 14, 48, 2); // Right Arrow
	drawProgressBar(x(64), y(4), 176, 64, 11, 92 - 64, 48, 3); // Left Bubbles
	drawProgressBar(x(98), y(4), 188, 64, 11, 92 - 64, 48, 3); // Right Bubbles

protected static PositionedStack convertFuelStack(PositionedStack stack) {
	stack = stack.copy();
	stack.relx = x(79);
	stack.rely = y(62);
	return stack;

public Class<? extends GuiContainer> getGuiClass() {
	return GuiFusionFurnace.class;

public String getRecipeName() {
	return "Fusion";

public String getGuiTexture() {
	return "fusion:textures/gui/fusion_furnace_gui.png";

public int recipiesPerPage() {
	return 1;

public String getOverlayIdentifier() {
	return ID;

public void loadCraftingRecipes(String outputId, Object... results) {
	RecipeEntry entry;
	if (outputId.equals(ID)) {
		for (RecipeEntry e : FusionFurnaceRecipes.getRecipeList())
			if ((entry = e) != null)
				arecipes.add(new CachedFusionRecipe(entry).computeVisuals());
		super.loadCraftingRecipes(outputId, results);

public void loadCraftingRecipes(ItemStack result) {
	RecipeEntry entry;
	for (RecipeEntry e : FusionFurnaceRecipes.getRecipeList())
		if ((entry = e) != null && FusionFurnaceRecipes.matches(entry.getOutput(), result))
			arecipes.add(new CachedFusionRecipe(entry).computeVisuals());

public void loadUsageRecipes(ItemStack ingredient) {
	ingredient.stackSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	RecipeEntry entry;
	for(RecipeEntry e : FusionFurnaceRecipes.getRecipeList())
		if ((entry = e) != null && (entry.isItemInput(ingredient) || entry.isItemCatalyst(ingredient)))
			arecipes.add(new CachedFusionRecipe(entry).computeVisuals().setIngredientPermutation(ingredient));

public class CachedFusionRecipe extends CachedRecipe {
	private final ImmutableList<PositionedStack> ingredients;
	private final PositionedStack result;

	public CachedFusionRecipe(RecipeEntry entry) {
		ingredients = ImmutableList.of(
				new PositionedStack(entry.input1.itemsList(), x(33), y(35)),
				new PositionedStack(entry.input2.itemsList(), x(126), y(34)),
				new PositionedStack(entry.catalyst.itemsList(), x(79), y(7)));
		result = new PositionedStack(entry.getOutput(), x(79), y(34));

	public List<PositionedStack> getIngredients() {
		return getCycledIngredients(cycleticks / 20, ingredients);

	public PositionedStack getResult() {
		return result;

	public PositionedStack getOtherStack()  {
		return convertFuelStack(FurnaceRecipeHandler.afuels.get((cycleticks / 48) % FurnaceRecipeHandler.afuels.size()).stack);

	public CachedFusionRecipe computeVisuals() {
		for(PositionedStack stack : ingredients)
		return this;

	public CachedFusionRecipe setIngredientPermutation(ItemStack ingredient) {
		setIngredientPermutation(ingredients, ingredient);
		return this;




So if anyone here has created an NEI plugin successfully before, help would be appreciated. This is driving me crazy :(


Thanks :)


EDIT: And yes, I've tried looking at neiaddons and logisticspipes source, I still can't figure this out. I'm a fairly competent modder, I just hate GUI stuff haha

  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like it should be working. I compared it to my code and it looks fine.


Hmmm, maybe try getting rid/commenting out these:


private static final int X0 = 0;
private static final int Y0 = 15;

private static final int X1 = 5;
private static final int Y1 = 5;

public void drawBackground(int i) {
	GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);

static {
	API.setGuiOffset(GuiFusionFurnace.class, -x(0), -y(0));

protected static int x(int x) {
	return x + X0 - X1;
protected static int y(int y) {
	return y + Y0 - Y1;


and see what happens. If anything, I think it *might* be the offset but I don't know. The code seems fine to me.



Minecraft can do ANYTHING, it's coded in Java and you got the full power of Java behind you when you code. So nothing is impossible.

It may be freaking fucking hard though, but still possible ;)


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Yeah, the problem was overriding the setBackground method, as the old way of setting the background is gone now (I was basing mine off old code). So I can get it to display the textures now, except I can't get the offset to work, as the image displays too high up and cuts parts of the texture. For some reason, setGuiOffset isn't working.

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