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I have an item with NBT data that I want to be reset to 0 when the player releases the right mouse button, but I can't figure out why onPlayerStoppedUsing() isn't being called. I'm probably overlooking something simple, here's the code:


public void onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack itemStack, World world, EntityPlayer player, int ticks)
	itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("castTime", 0);

public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemStack, World world, EntityPlayer player)
		ChunkCoordinates coords = player.getBedLocation(player.dimension);
		if(coords != null)
			if(itemStack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("cooldown") == 0)
				player.setItemInUse(itemStack, getMaxItemUseDuration(itemStack));
				if(itemStack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("castTime") >= maxCastTime)
					player.setPositionAndUpdate(coords.posX + .5, coords.posY + 1, coords.posZ + .5);
					itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("cooldown", maxCooldown);
					itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("castTime", 0);
					int timeCast = itemStack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("castTime") + 1;
					itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("castTime", timeCast);
			return itemStack;
			player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("msg.hearthstoneFailed.txt"));
			return itemStack;
		return itemStack;

public int getMaxItemUseDuration(ItemStack itemStack)
        return 100;


Try adding @Override on onPlayerStoppedUsing method, to check if it overrides the correct method on item.

I. Stellarium for Minecraft: Configurable Universe for Minecraft! (WIP)

II. Stellar Sky, Better Star Rendering&Sky Utility mod, had separated from Stellarium.


I have an item with NBT data that I want to be reset to 0 when the player releases the right mouse button, but I can't figure out why onPlayerStoppedUsing() isn't being called. I'm probably overlooking something simple, here's the code:


public void onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack itemStack, World world, EntityPlayer player, int ticks)
	itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("castTime", 0);

public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemStack, World world, EntityPlayer player)
		ChunkCoordinates coords = player.getBedLocation(player.dimension);
		if(coords != null)
			if(itemStack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("cooldown") == 0)
				player.setItemInUse(itemStack, getMaxItemUseDuration(itemStack));
				if(itemStack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("castTime") >= maxCastTime)
					player.setPositionAndUpdate(coords.posX + .5, coords.posY + 1, coords.posZ + .5);
					itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("cooldown", maxCooldown);
					itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("castTime", 0);
					int timeCast = itemStack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("castTime") + 1;
					itemStack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("castTime", timeCast);
			return itemStack;
			player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("msg.hearthstoneFailed.txt"));
			return itemStack;
		return itemStack;

public int getMaxItemUseDuration(ItemStack itemStack)
        return 100;


1.Every function you are overriding (right click, etc) must have @Override above it in order for it to be called.

2.Have you looked the code for ItemBow?


What are you saying deadrecon? You don't need @Override, it just helps.


I thought that @Override specified that you were overriding a parent method. Otherwise it would just be a regular method called only if you did it manually.


1.Every function you are overriding (right click, etc) must have @Override above it in order for it to be called.

2.Have you looked the code for ItemBow?


I have tried putting @Override on just about everything, but it neither fixes the issue nor breaks my code, so I left them out. And I did read through ItemBow, but I didn't see anything I was missing.


Of course it has no effect.. @Override is just a check. And if it doesnt give any errors, then it is fine.

+ does "working" not get printed?

I. Stellarium for Minecraft: Configurable Universe for Minecraft! (WIP)

II. Stellar Sky, Better Star Rendering&Sky Utility mod, had separated from Stellarium.

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