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Im trying to create a mod with a friend and was wondering if anyone would be able to add me on skype if i need help with some code but that is up to you anways i want to know more about items preferably tools and weps.


i have create i pick and want to give it like a speed upgrade and not sure how to do it.


If someone could explain how to do it that would be great.


You need to provide more info, how should this upgrade work?


Well for the pick i want it to be faster then the diamond one but not as durable and it would be great if it could auto smelt blocks it mines


also able to be compatible to smelt my custom blocks


sorry but i still dont understand would you point me in a direction of a good tut for modding as im still learning and not 100% sure how to navigate eclipse so any help would be grateful.


and by "the diamond one" i meant diamond pick from vanilla not that i made one :P


sorry for the incorrect info

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