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Crashing when getting ItemStack from OreDictionary


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So I'm trying to get the Vibrant Alloy from EnderIO to an ItemStack to use it in the recipe for a machine. I've tryed getting it from the GameRegistry, no luck just fire. Now I'm trying to get it from the OreDictionary, still no luck. Here's my code:


ItemStack ingotPhasedGold = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotPhasedGold").get(0);


If I try that and add the ingotPhasedGold to a recipe or to the machine recipe, I crash. It says that there's no index with "0" but when I try outputing it to the console I get a "1xitem.itemAlloy@2" with I guess it means that the index DOES exist. So I just get a crash when using the OreDictionary with a recipe or when adding it to a machine recipe. What am I doing wrong?

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Here's what I'm trying to do.

ItemStack ingotPhasedGold = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotPhasedGold").get(0);
//Arguments - name, energy, slot1, slot2, slot3, output
EIOHelper.addAlloySmelterRecipe("Potatotato", 16000, ingotPhasedGold, ingotPhasedGold, ingotPhasedGold, Util.toStack(Items.potato));


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So your game crash on this line?


ItemStack ingotPhasedGold = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotPhasedGold").get(0);

Then how did you try outputing it to the console?

I. Stellarium for Minecraft: Configurable Universe for Minecraft! (WIP)

II. Stellar Sky, Better Star Rendering&Sky Utility mod, had separated from Stellarium.

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Located in my RedstonicRecipes.java in my init function. Here's what's there:


public staitic void init(){
              ItemStack ingotPhasedGold = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotPhasedGold").get(0);
              EIOHelper.addAlloySmelterRecipe("Vibrantium", 16000, ingotPhasedGold, ingotPhasedGold, ingotPhasedGold, Util.toStack(Items.potato));


Then I call the RedstonicRecipes.init() in my preInit.

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ingotPhasedGold is a alloy from EnderIO, here's the class for the alloy. Here's the base class for the alloys.



On another class it adds the ore to the dictionary by using the oredictIngotName from that class. In this case the oredictIngotName is PhasedGold, so it ends up being ingotPhasedgold.

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Well that works, but now that I have my dependencies as

dependencies = "after:ThermalExpansion;after:EnderIO"

Thermal Expansion crashes with something that has nothing to do with my mod.



Is it because Im not using a deobf version of EnderIO?


Removed Thermal Expansion and everything works great.

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