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When I created my account I saw the usual things to fill in: Email, username, password, etc. Then, I came to the text image thing (capcha?), and was surprised to see two minecraft related questions. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have an issue with answering knowledge questions ('2+2=4', etc), but isn't it a bit odd to have minecraft questions? For instance, mine was on whether spiders were aggressive during the day. I'd always assumed they were, and I've played minecraft for a very long time. Isn't perhaps a bit extreme to insist upon answers that some humans might not even know with regards to minecraft?


No I don't think it should be removed, it keeps most bots out, questions like 2+2 a bot could answer, if you don't know the answer to whether spiders are aggressive during the day (First off if you've really played minecraft for a long time you should know that they are not) you could google it.


isn't that what captchas are for, though? (also, the reason I don't know spiders are safe is because I /assumed/ they were dangerous. I don't usually bother going near them if at all possible, especially when I'm out during the day gathering supplies.)


If you dont know a answer you can look it up.

Thats something bots cant do.

And yes captchas are to keep bots out, these questions ARE a captchas.

Bots these days are extremely adept at reading images no matter how hard you make them.

But simple questions that anyone should know and if not be able to look up is where they fail.

And since this a minecraft related site its pretty reasonable to assume its uses know some of the basics of minecraft.

I'm sorry that you failed so badly that you felt it necessary to post this but no the questions stay.

The thousands of bots it's turned away is worth the SMALL inconvenience to those who need to look things up.

And think of the bright side, you learned something new about Minecraft!

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