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Ive tried to install MC forge following the instructions to the letter on the MC forge wiki. I have tried to make the folder not read only, granting full permissions to the entire folder under the security tab etc... I constantly receive an error related to a random .class.tnp file in the minecraft server's source folder. Error log will be coming up when i wasted my time till the point they starts to create the error.


The logs are in <mcp folder>/logs. Now post them, or no more help

Protip: try and find answers yourself before asking on the forum.

It's pretty likely that there is an answer.


Was I helpful? Give me a thank you!



width=635 height=903http://bit.ly/HZ03zy[/img]



Tired of waiting for mods to port to bukkit?

use BukkitForge! (now with a working version of WorldEdit!)


all log file ??? i replicated the error so i might as well post them here if you really need the log files ill post it just say which ones.



================ Forge ModLoader Setup Start ===================

Setting up MCP

> Restoring commands.py backup

Patching file C:\Users\DarkDestry\Desktop\Java Code\MCP\runtime\commands.py

patching file commands.py

Commands patch applied successfully

Copying FML conf

Fixing MCP Workspace

== MCP 7.19 (data: 7.19, client: 1.4.2, server: 1.4.2) ==


The cleanup script will delete all folders created by MCP, including the

src folder which may contain changes you made to the code, along with any

saved worlds from the client or server.

If you really want to clean up, enter "Yes" yes

> Cleaning temp

> Cleaning src

> Cleaning bin

> Cleaning reobf

> Cleaning lib

> Cleaning jars

> Cleaning logs

== MCP 7.19 (data: 7.19, client: 1.4.2, server: 1.4.2) ==

# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, ast

yle, astyle config

> Creating Retroguard config files

== Decompiling client using fernflower ==

> Creating SRGs

> Applying Retroguard

> Compiling AccessTransformer

> Compiling MCPMerger

> Running MCPMerger

> Running AccessTransformer

  Forge config detected

> Really Applying Retroguard

> Applying MCInjector

> Unpacking jar

> Copying classes

> Decompiling

> Copying sources

> Applying fernflower fixes

> Applying patches

> Cleaning comments

- Done in 1001.13 seconds

== Reformating client ==

> Cleaning sources

> Replacing OpenGL constants

> Reformating sources

- Done in 117.44 seconds

!! renaming disabled !!

== Decompiling server using fernflower ==

> Creating SRGs

> Applying Retroguard

> Running AccessTransformer

  Forge config detected

> Really Applying Retroguard

> Applying MCInjector

> Unpacking jar

> Copying classes

> Decompiling

> Copying sources

> Applying fernflower fixes

> Applying patches

> Cleaning comments

- Done in 893.30 seconds

== Reformating server ==

> Cleaning sources

> Reformating sources

- Done in 64.48 seconds

!! renaming disabled !!

!! recompile disabled !!

Stripping META-INF from minecraft.jar




== MCP 7.19 (data: 7.19, client: 1.4.2, server: 1.4.2) ==

# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, ast

yle, astyle config

== Recompiling client ==

> Cleaning bin

> Recompiling

- Done in 68.99 seconds

> Generating client md5s

== Recompiling server ==

> Cleaning bin

> Recompiling

Server side recompiling skipped, this is normal

- Done in 0.01 seconds

> Generating server md5s

Deleting common/cpw: C:\Users\DarkDestry\Desktop\Java Code\MCP\src\common\cpw

Applying Forge ModLoader patches

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\client\ClientBrandRetriever.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\client\Minecraft.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\client\MinecraftApplet.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\GameSettings.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\GuiCreateWorld.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\GuiErrorScreen.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\GuiMainMenu.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\IntegratedServer.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\IntegratedServerListenThread.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ItemRenderer.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\MemoryConnection.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\NetClientHandler.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\RenderBlocks.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\RenderEngine.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TextureCompassFX.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TextureFlamesFX.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TextureLavaFlowFX.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TextureLavaFX.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TexturePortalFX.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TextureWatchFX.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TextureWaterFlowFX.java'

patching file 'minecraft\net\minecraft\src\TextureWaterFX.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\server\MinecraftServer.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\BlockDispenser.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\ChunkProviderServer.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\ConsoleLogManager.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\CrashReport.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\DedicatedServer.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\EntityAIVillagerMate.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\EntityItem.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\EntityPlayer.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\EntitySlime.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\EntityTracker.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\EntityTrackerEntry.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\EntityVillager.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\GenLayerBiome.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\IBossDisplayData.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\ItemMap.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\MapData.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\NetHandler.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\NetLoginHandler.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\NetServerHandler.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\NetworkListenThread.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\Packet.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\Packet1Login.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\SaveHandler.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\ServerConfigurationManager.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\ServerListenThread.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\SlotCrafting.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\SlotFurnace.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\StringTranslate.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\StructureVillagePieces.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\TcpConnection.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\TileEntityFurnace.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\World.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\WorldInfo.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\WorldProvider.java'

patching file 'common\net\minecraft\src\WorldType.java'

== MCP 7.19 (data: 7.19, client: 1.4.2, server: 1.4.2) ==

== Updating client ==

> Adding javadoc


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Users\DarkDestry\Desktop\Java Code\MCP\runtime\updatenames.py", line

51, in updatenames

    updatenames_side(commands, CLIENT)

  File "C:\Users\DarkDestry\Desktop\Java Code\MCP\runtime\mcp.py", line 105, in



  File "C:\Users\DarkDestry\Desktop\Java Code\MCP\runtime\commands.py", line 136

4, in process_javadoc


  File "C:\Users\DarkDestry\Desktop\Java Code\MCP\runtime\commands.py", line 144

5, in process_javadoc

    shutil.move(tmp_file, src_file)

  File "shutil.pyc", line 300, in move

WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'src\\common\\net\\minecraft\\src\\Blo


Press any key to continue . . .



I should add that this is the furthest i have came to the process normally it would stop at "copying sources" of server decompile. And everytime its a different java file


Try setting up MCP in a different folder.


Might be leftover lockfiles from a previous crash (the first one was different, i guess?), that's probably the easiest way to fix it.

Protip: try and find answers yourself before asking on the forum.

It's pretty likely that there is an answer.


Was I helpful? Give me a thank you!



width=635 height=903http://bit.ly/HZ03zy[/img]



Tired of waiting for mods to port to bukkit?

use BukkitForge! (now with a working version of WorldEdit!)


the first one would be not applicable i guess since the first one i downloaded a wrong version of forge and it detected a modified jar file due to it not matching versions i just deleted the forge folder and got the correct one instead



This is typically caused by a oversealious anti-virus locking the temp files used when decompiling, you can try either turning off your AV, or making the mcp folder an exception.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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