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[Solved]Is there an event thats fired when the tick is done?


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I was wondering if there is an event in forge that gets fired when all other events are done and the tick is ready and will wait until its time for the next tick?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood - Guybrush Treepwood


I wrote my own mod ish... still a few bugs to fix. http://thaumcraft.duckdns.org/downloads/MagicCookies-

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I believe the major tick events PlayerTickEvent, ServerTickEvent, ClientTickEvent and WorldTickEvent all get called twice (at start of tick and again at end of tick) and you can tell which is firing by the phase field which is in the event parameter passed into the handling method.


I'm not sure the order of the tick events (like whether player tick is called before server tick) though, but you can look at when each one is posted to the bus.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Thanks Jabelar, the ServerTickEvent was just the one I needed. I didnt realise it would fire twice.


Thanks :-)


Phase.Start and Phase.End

(Just check for the one you're interested in)

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Yea. Im using the phase.END to clear the during tick detected itemclock positions.


I build those up so i can detect armourstands,lava and water being placed.

But no use to leave those locations lingering around when the tick has ended.


Btw, im very pleased with the blockpos offset calculator. Makes life so much easier.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood - Guybrush Treepwood


I wrote my own mod ish... still a few bugs to fix. http://thaumcraft.duckdns.org/downloads/MagicCookies-

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