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I have installed Forge for Minecraft 1.7.10.  I looked in the versions folder to make sure and the forge folder was there and both .json and .jar files were there.  I loaded the Minecraft Launcher and went to edit profile to change my version.  Minecraft forge isn't listed in the versions.  I don't know what is wrong, everything seems to be fine.  Something isn't right.


Tried to install it for both 1.7.10 and 1.8. Neither are appearing in my launcher. 1.7.10 has a version folder shown in my .minecraft folder, but no appearance in profile, and 1.8 shows no trace of being installed at all, not even in versions. It says it installed successfully, but I sure don't buy it!


http://i.imgur.com/FWpeNpF.png Here's a picture if you need a screenshot.


Post logs of the installer.

It tells you explicitly where it is installing it to.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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I told it to install to C:/Users/*myusername*/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft. So what exactly am I doing wrong?


Where would I find these logs? I'm in the EAQ right now and find no files under that name.


I've gone back and run the installer about 3 times, and each time, it's the same result.


"Successfully installed client profile Forge for version Forge into launcher and grabbed 0 required libraries."


Then I go back to the launcher to find no such profile.


The logs are created right next to the installer.

But ya, if it says it installed, then it installed. Else something is broken on your computer in a fundamental level.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


"If it says it installed, then it installed."




That's all the help I'm going to get? Because I'm pretty clearly seeing that it did NOT in fact install. My attempt to install 1.7.10 created a folder with no jar or json and my attempt to install 1.8 created absolutely nothing, not even an empty forge folder.


I have attempted to run the installer and the installer-win for both the recommended and the latest builds for 1.8, and they continue to falsely report a successful install.


Also, I see no log file for the installer. At all. For any of them. What filename would it be under, because I don't see any new files....


I might have to install this bloody thing from the Universal version at this point because the installer appears to flat out not work for me.


EDIT: OK, how the hell did .minecraft get set to read-only!? Gonna try running it again after disabling that.

EDIT2: Nope, still broken.


Seems like you are having issues outside the scope of Forge/Installer.

https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Installer/commit/8ebfa46e07357163ca9c5b142bf950787a515e2c The log file will be <CurrentJarName>.log.

Or if you run the installer from the command line it'll spit everything into the console window as well.

You may want to go look into process monitor to see where the installer is trying to write files.

Because it's sitting there doing something and thinking it's installing correctly.

And without logs, or sitting there trying to walk you though all possible debugging steps {killing antiviruses, running as admin, disabling UAC, and so on} there isn't much we can do.

Modern installer will only create the JSON and not the jar because that is no longer needed.

Make sure you have write access to everything in the .minecraft folder. From the sounds of it you may have permissions issues.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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