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Forge Cannot Install - Java Runtime Environment 6 required.


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I have redownloaded forge numerous times trying to get it to install with a windows installer with no luck. It keeps throwing me the error "A java runtime environment 1.6.0 is required to run this application".


I HAVE jre6, aswell as jre8.


I have uninstalled and reinstalled both of these JREs numerous times aswell.


Any suggestions?

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Seems that the installer cant find the JRE. It searches in the common install folders {profile files} as well as the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

It cant find it in either of those so it errors.

What you could do is run the installer with java manually by doing:

c:\program files\{wherever you installed java to}\bin\java.exe -jar {forge installer}.exe



I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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  • 1 year later...

I'm having this error on Linux Mint KDE 17.3 (Codename "Rosa"). I completely annihilated Java (When I install the OS this convenient "Icedtea" plugin that breaks everything is installed. It runs pretty deep into the system from what I can tell.) and installed JRE 6. This failed, so I repeated and installed JRE 7. This also didn't work. Since the normal installer doesn't load for me (No Java process was started, going to try again after posting), I am using the Windows installer with a Wine 1.6 package. So far I'm out of options. Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: Same issue. The task manager on my "taskbar" states a program called "java" is loading. This goes on until the program load times out. In the System Activity (Windows Task Manager), nothing containing "java" is loading. At all.

Oh, and the reason I put some stuff in that is kinda obvious to me is to save time for anybody helping me who doesn't know what these are.

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