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Problem with getting reobfuscated mod class files


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Hi folks,


after searching for more than an hour i overcome myself to create a new topic although i fear the answer is out there already.


First what i did already:

1) set up a new Version of MCP 7.19 (including coping stuff into the ./jars folder)

2) copy  Forge 6.0.1 build 349 sources into the ./forge folder

3) ran the ./forge/install.cmd

4) started eclipse and chose the ./eclipse folder as workspace

5) added a new source folder and created a package structure with new classes and stuff


I can test the mod i wrote via the "play" button of eclipse and it all works fine but when i use the ./recombile.bat and the ./reobfuscate.bat the ./robf folder only contains an empty "minecraft" folder but since many of my classes extend base minecraft classes i need them to be reobfuscated or i get "ClassNotFoundExceptions" (obvioulsy).


My final question is: Do i have to copy the source files of my mod to a special location outside of the eclipse workspace? Or do i need to use a special structure for my packages?


./eclipse/Minecraft/modSrc (the new source folder added to the workspace) and within that folder i got my packages and class sources.


Thanks in advance for every answer




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All sources need to be in the src/ folder, namely src/common or stc/minecraft in order for the mcp scripts to see them, symlinks work if you want to have them in a seperate place.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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  • 2 months later...



I've exactly same problem, but even i put my source in src/common folder and when reobfuscate prompt says:



== MCP 7.25 (data: 7.25, client: 1.4.6, server: 1.4.6) ==

# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, ast

yle, astyle config

> Creating Retroguard config files

== Reobfuscating client ==

> Cleaning reobf

> Generating md5s

> Packing jar

> Reobfuscating jar

> Extracting modified classes

> Modified class found : xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyy

> Modified class found : xxxxxxx/zzzzzzzzzz

> Outputted xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyy to reobf\minecraft as xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyy.class

> Outputted xxxxxxx/zzzzzzzzzz to reobf\minecraft as xxxxxxx/zzzzzzzzzzi.class

- Done in 83.33 seconds

== Reobfuscating server ==

> Cleaning reobf

> Generating md5s

> Packing jar

> Reobfuscating jar

> Extracting modified classes

- Done in 39.66 seconds



in fact reobfuscated only two classes, but I've many more in my mod. why? please help.



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