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[1.8] ArrowCollideWithBlockEvent?


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On WorldTickEvent get the list of all arrows in the world. For each arrow, create a new NBT tag compound, call the arrow's write entity to NBT method, then check if the byte tag inGround in your NBT compound equals 1. If it is, do whatever you want. Warning: your code will run always when the arrow is in the ground.

Maker of the Craft++ mod.

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Something like was suggested might work.  I did something like that in the past.


Its been awhile since I did this, but I think there is an arrow loose or spawn event.  I'll look around tonight for my mod that uses it.  Anytime that happens, I add the arrow to a list where i'm tracking the age of the arrow once it is in the ground.


I iterate through the list each tick and advance the time if it meets my criteria.  After a short time, I make it go poof.


I created this for some NPC's I made that shot a lot of arrows.  They lag from the 1000's of arrows hanging around too long was ugly.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

Happy to try and help

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