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How to spawn a block?


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Ey ey Fuck you too.

Do you think that I'll be lazy with a problem that I am stuck with 72 hours?...

Yes I did try looked every where can't find 1 block who uses the WorldGenTallGrass..

Even looked at fucking Tall Grass..


Maybe you should treat your peers in this community with respect when they are trying to help you. But no, you instead throw a hiss fit because we won't solve your problem for you. We want to help but if you start to act like this, the only thing I can say is get out.

If my post helped you, please press that "Thank You"-button to show your appreciation.


Also if you don't know Java, I would suggest you read the official tutorials by Oracle to get an idea of how to do this. Thanks, and good modding!


Also if you haven't, set up a Git repo for your mod not only for convinience but also to make it easier to help you.

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I want you to answer me.

How in this world does

What did you try to find it?

Will help me?..I am waiting.


His sarcasm is only here to tease me.

If you guys want respect,then respect me and if you dare to say you are respsecting me i'll link all the threads i've opened up yet and you can see this guy doing the same thing.

over and over and over again.


I am here to get help,I dont care about you guys,You guys might have earned your respsect from me if you were respecting me.

I want to solve the problem with help nothing more.

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The only thing I found for WorldGenTallGrass is this.

It is in 2 more biomes but it doesn't matter its the same code


public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForGrass(Random p_76730_1_)


        return new WorldGenTallGrass(BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS);


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First of all I appriciate you making a video for my problem.

Secondly it did not help me cause I'm dumb.

Most likely i'll be back with a problem any time now...

But i'll try to progress



Yeah I was right.

As I said I lack knowlage and Okay what do I do now with what you gave me.

That might be dumb from your point of view.

But for me its just code that I understand 50 precent but I dont know how to implement it into my problems


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When what I am reading or hearing is clear to me then i'll understand it really quick.

I've been programming before the very very basic of it.

So I get the point of how it works.

Now there is a local book store where I can buy Java book,Should I do that or through the internet cause in the book its in my language.


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You make a lot of mistakes in your syntax. If you don't learn proper Java, you can't solve those problems. That's just how it is. I learned Java the hard way (through MC Modding), and I highly recommend you to not do it the hard way.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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