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Error when reobfuscating with version and MC 1.4.4

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It's a completely clean jar, downloaded by Forge. Here's the relevant part of the output:


== Reobfuscating server ==
> Cleaning reobf
> Generating md5s
> Packing jar
> Reobfuscating jar
'"java" -cp "runtime/bin/retroguard.jar:lib:lib/*:jars/minecraft_server.jar" RetroGuard -notch temp/s...' failed : 1


Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
ERROR: error in opening zip file

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "runtime/reobfuscate.py", line 53, in reobfuscate
    reobfuscate_side(commands, SERVER, reobf_all=reobf_all)
  File "/Users/abe/mcp/runtime/mcp.py", line 158, in reobfuscate_side
    commands.applyrg(side, True)
  File "/Users/abe/mcp/runtime/commands.py", line 907, in applyrg
  File "/Users/abe/mcp/runtime/commands.py", line 1111, in runcmd
    raise CalledProcessError(process.returncode, forkcmd, output)
CalledProcessError: Command '"java" -cp "runtime/bin/retroguard.jar:lib:lib/*:jars/minecraft_server.jar" RetroGuard -notch temp/server_ro.cfg' returned non-zero exit status 1


Any ideas? I'm running Python 2.7.2, but I don't think that's important in this case.


Hmm... Nothing seems to be locking it as far as I can see. I have write permissions on it. It's never done this before. Maybe it's related to Forge downloading the jars during install, and the wrong permissions being set?


Highly doubtful, both scripts should be run under the same user, and therefor should have the same access.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Highly doubtful, both scripts should be run under the same user, and therefor should have the same access.


Could you come up with anything else, because it works with with other versions of minecraft and forge except this one.


Well, see what the permissions are, It all works for me.

Place the valid clean jars there, and it won't overwrite them, and see if that helps.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


Same problem here. Linux, checked permissions, they're the same for both files. Here's what I found on my server_ro.log file:


# If this log is to be used for incremental obfuscation / patch generation, 
# add any '.class', '.method', '.field' and '.attribute' restrictions here:

# RetroGuard MCP v3.6.5
# Logfile created on Tue Nov 20 20:22:59 BRST 2012
# Jar file to be obfuscated:           server_recomp.jar
# Target Jar file for obfuscated code: server_reobf.jar
# RetroGuard Script file used:         retroguard_ro.cfg

# Unrecoverable error during obfuscation:
# Review input jar for duplicate classes (same classfile with two different filenames).
# java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
# 	at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
# 	at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:131)
# 	at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:148)
# 	at COM.rl.obf.GuardDB.<init>(GuardDB.java:113)
# 	at COM.rl.obf.RetroGuardImpl.run(RetroGuardImpl.java:172)
# 	at COM.rl.obf.RetroGuardImpl.obfuscate(RetroGuardImpl.java:131)
# 	at COM.rl.obf.RetroGuardImpl.obfuscate(RetroGuardImpl.java:113)
# 	at RetroGuard.main(RetroGuard.java:90)


Interesting, I tried to check this server_recomp.jar file(all permissions to read, is only 22B in size(?!) ) and got this:

$ jar -tf temp/server_recomp.jar 
java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:131)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:92)
at sun.tools.jar.Main.list(Main.java:997)
at sun.tools.jar.Main.run(Main.java:242)
at sun.tools.jar.Main.main(Main.java:1167)


From here, I'm lost.


ADDENDUM: It does obfuscate the client classes, so they're there in the reobf folder. The mod works. But... I'm not sure if even in minecraft 1.3+ that's what's supposed to happen.


Well, as of 1.4.5 we are no longer decompiling the server jar at all.

You shouldn't care about the server side obf {it shouldn't even be trying to obf it..} as your mod SHOULD be universal, if you did it right.

Still interesting that it screws up without giving a real error.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

Well' date=' as of 1.4.5 we are no longer decompiling the server jar at all.[/quote']


The scripts that come with MCP will still try to reobf both sides by default, though. And there's that freaky server_recomp.jar there. Maybe that oughta be checked on.


I haven't ran into this issue in the wild, a few people seem to of got it but I don't think it's anything in particular to do with Forge. As we can reobf things properly.

But ya, This shouldn't be remotely a issue in 1.4.5

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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