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Can't install Forge for MC 1.7.10


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I need version the version of Forge for Minecraft 1.7.10 in order to use the Project Red mod. Project Red does NOT work on any version newer than this. And yet sadly, this installer for this older version of Forge fails (though the latest version of the installer, the one for Minecraft 1.8.8 works perfectly, but this version of Minecraft is incompatible with Project Red), and the error log from the installer shows a number of files that the installer attempts to download directly from one of Mojang's own servers (something that you guys at MinecraftForge.Net have no control over, unfortunately). It gives a 403 error (access denied) when trying to download these files. All the files that fail to download have this one base URL in common https://libraries.minecraft.net/


Can you please re-host these files on your own server? I assume you guys have a backup copy of these required files somewhere on your own computer. Maybe you can re-write the Forge installer for MC 1.7.10, and reprogram it to use your own backup copies. And if you can't do this, then I'm LOCKED OUT of being able to use the Project Red mod. So please, for me, make all possible efforts to re-write the installer for Forge for Minecraft 1.7.10.

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Show the logs of you running the installer.

All files for 1.7.10 are in their proper place and if you use the installer it will work fine.

As a side note, you should yell at the project red guy to update his mod, 1.8 has existed for over a year there is no reason besides laziness not to update.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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I also probably should have mentioned that the problem was with installing the Forge server for Minecraft 1.7.10, not the Forge client. I tested it with client mode, and that worked fine. Unfortunately, even when a successful install occurs, it writes a log file, and it doesn't write a date and time to the log's file name, and the result is it overwrote the log file from the previous failed installation of the Forge server. Though I could try it again, just to see what happens.





I just tried the server install again, and this time it actually worked. Not sure what went wrong before.

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