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Offline MDK Installation


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Hi all,


Thanks for all your work on MinecraftForge. It is certainly inspiring to see the type of effort required and when I show kids about it, it just wows them.


I would like to follow up on the Offline installation http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,33831.msg177951.html#msg177951 thread.

I too would like to do this for a bunch of computers, but the internet is crappy where I am, not to mention the slow computers.


I am not familiar with gradle, and in the link above, Lex mentioned to install onto a computer and copy the libraries over to the other computers.

1) The library folder, which folder is the library folder?

2) There was also mention of the version folder. Would it be possible to elaborate?

3) What about the .gradle/cache folder? Do I have to transfer that too?


When I get this working, I would be happy to write/add a wiki page on this process. I just need some guidance to get started.


Many thanks.


Warm regards,

Chun Te

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1) The library folder, which folder is the library folder?
The one named 'libraries'

2) There was also mention of the version folder. Would it be possible to elaborate?
It's the one named 'versions'

3) What about the .gradle/cache folder? Do I have to transfer that too?
If you're trying to do a portable gradle workspace you will have to set the GRADLE_HOME there are plenty of tutorials to explain how to do this because gradle is a fairly common system.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Hi Lex,

Thanks for your reply...


The one named 'libraries'

Is this the folder "/build/libs/"


It's the one named 'versions'

Where can I find this folder? I can't find any folder with version on it


If you're trying to do a portable gradle workspace you will have to set the GRADLE_HOME there are plenty of tutorials to explain how to do this because gradle is a fairly common system.

From the sounds of it, am I right that once the initial setup ("gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies" and then "gradlew eclipse"), the .gradle/cache is not required?

If yes, what is the condition when it is required (e.g. building and packaging the mod for distribution)?

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You're asking for two different things. The installer has NOTHING to do with gradle.

If you are working with gradle you're developing mods and its not a unreasonable requirement to have internet connectivity.

And as stated, you can set your GRADLE_HOME to whatever you want and could probably get around need for internet. But you will get no official support here.

To develop mods the entire gradle folder is needed as it contains all the assets, libraires, code, etc.. that is needed for gradle and minecraft.


The other part, is the installer. Which is for installing and running for in minecraft.

And no did I stutter? When I said 'libraries' i mean LIBRARIES that's the EXACT FOLDER NAME in the install folder.

Just like 'versions' is the EXACT GOD DAMN FOLDER NAME.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Ah.. I think then it was a mistake of me to use the word "Installation". What I meant to say was an Offline installation for the Mod Development Kit (I have updated the title of the thread to reflect this). No wonder I wasn't seeing any of those "god damn" folders. 8)


I know there is no support for this, but aside from changing the GRADLE_HOME, are there any other points that I need to be aware of? Would this break anything that are available?


Many thanks.

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Dear all,


I have managed to speed up the initial MDK installation on multiple PC. This is what I did and tested on a PC (Windows) and would like to learn how to do on a Mac and to see it this it works too. It is not completely offline, but it hastens the process by a lot. The initial setup was long for the first machine (45 mins). With the following steps, the setup time took under 5 mins which is acceptable.


Version tested: forge-1.8-

Assumes Eclipse and JDK has been installed


[*]Download the ForgeGrade MDK and unzip to a folder, e.g. forge


[*]Install onto PC-1 using the "

gradlew setupDecompWorkspace

" then followed by "

gradlew eclipse

" from command prompt


[*]Zip up the entire forge, and the .gradle folder in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME_PC1\.gradle


[*]On PC-2, extract out the zipped forge folder to your desired location. Similarly, extract the zipped .gradle file, but place it into PC-2's user folder (e.g. C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME_PC2)


[*]In PC-2, go to the forge folder and run "

gradlew setupDecompWorkspace

" then followed by "

gradlew eclipse

" from command prompt


[*]Load Eclipse and point the workspace to the forge\eclipse folder and everything should be working.



I would like to hear other people's experience on this and if it works or not. I found that sometimes, I get an error about an empty "project_loc" when I try to run the client. I then open up the forge_Client.launch file and after that the error does not appear again.

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