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Viewing mods with logos in Mod List screen causes drastic memory leak


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I was testing some mods today (putting one mod in the mods folder at a time), and discovered a massive memory leak. After testing several mods, I determined it is a bug with FML rather than any specific mod.


Repro steps are simple:

  1. [*]Place in the mods folder a mod which contains a logo (has a logoFile entry in mcmod.info)

[*]Run Minecraft

[*]Click Mods button

[*]Click entry for the mod

It will show the info for the mod as well as the graphic file for its logo. It will also cause javaw.exe to start eating memory like crazy (you can easily see this in the Task Manager).



  • Clicking the entry for another mod that does not contain a logo will stop the leak, but the current usage does not go down (memory not released). Clicking a mod with a logo again will resume eating memory.
  • Not clicking any mods with logos/clicking only mods without logos does not trigger a leak
  • It happens with the latest FML ( for MC 1.6.4)
  • There are no threads in the forum which mention both "memory leak" and "logo"

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