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[1.7.x] I want create system my friend in minecraft.


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NBT is used to store data in all sorts of places, not just TileEntities.


It sounds like what you want is going to require IExtendededEntityProperties - it lets you store additional data (which gets saved to NBT, though you shouldn't store it in NBT for general use) per player or other entity, so if you want to add extra data to your character, that's the way to do it.

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What is mod?


Please tell "system my friend".


You make item or block or entity?


Have friend help English?

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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Well he speaks better English than I speak other languages, so I won't criticize.


It seems clear that he is saying he wants to create a system of keeping track of a player's friends, and is asking if NBT is a suitable data structure. CoolAlias' answer seems correct -- each player could have extended property with a list of friends.


Furthermore, it seems that he wants a GUI. So yes, you would just make a GUI that lists people that could be added as a friend, and the GUI could update the player's NBT.


If you want to alert the other player that they have been asked to be a friend, then you'd have to use a custom packet. You'd probably need a packet to handle requesting friendship, another for approving or denying friendship, and another for removing a friendship.


You could also have a GUI that overlays the game, showing when friends are on the server.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Then you will need IExtendedEntityProperties to store the friends list, at least.


There should be lots of tutorials on opening GUIs, and you will need to send packets as well to inform the server of anything that changes in the client-side gui (e.g. if you add a friend, the server needs to know about it so it can be saved to the player's file later via IExtendedEntityProperties).


Have you ever made a mod before? While not really that complicated, it could be pretty challenging if you don't know anything about modding / Java.

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