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Mod options menu inaccessible


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im running minecraft 1.7.10 ( as most of the mods i use have not been updated to 1.8    ), and therefore im using the 1.7.10 version of forge, and have ran into the problem of being unable to access the ingame options menu, see picture. is there a hotfix for this? Would running a more recent version of forge be funcional with the 1.7.10 mods and minecraft 1.7.10?





here is the AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\logs\fml-client-latest logs    https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f22ac0124fe3f6ba8bc1



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well thats not exactly true, as i remember it functioning years and years ago when i last played this game.  i was aware of what you are telling me, though it doesnt help resolve the situation. i would have thought after all this time someone would have backported this functionality, considering there are mods that are only configurable through the ingame menu (ex, mocreatures) 

i suppose i could just go into the mods and modify the options that would normally be accessible ingame from within the mods themselves, but i have no idea what file i would be looking for, much less what i would need to modify it.


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Are you sure you're not thinking of the mods menu accessed from the main menu (i.e. before you load a world)? That should be functional in 1.7.10.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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yes, im sure. assuming i didnt mess something up, i can not configure mocreatures whatsoever from the main menu.


i went ahead and answered my own question though. it would appear that .minecraft\config has the options i was looking for. would be nice to be able to use the ingame menu (like i used to) but whatever, you get what you pay for.

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Mods can only be configured in Minecraft (from the main menu or the in-game menu) if they provide a config GUI, which not all mods do.


If a mod was configurable in-game prior to 1.8.8-, it must have created its own GUI independent of Forge's config GUI system.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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The in-game config system never worked, I fixed it to do a few months back in 1.8+

Some coremods have gone through and futtzed with that screen but nothing in Forge.

And we do not backport changes.

So, right now you can't edit things in-game. Use the main menu option or you know, UPDATE FORGE.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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