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I started Minecraft with my kids right when 1.9 came out. I set up a vanilla server and then 1.9.1 and 1.9.2 came out. I had to upgrade the server because the clients were auto upgraded to 1.9.2. I then found out about Forge and installed it with the installer on the server and the clients. I figured out how to choose a specific Minecraft version on the clients.


The world was working great on Forge 1826. I used the installer to install Forge 1846 but now I get an error about an unknown persistent registry type "minecraft:villagerprofessions".


I know Forge does not support downgrading sub-versions (1.9.2 -> 1.9), but, maybe it would be good to handle unknown persistent registry types by ignoring them and logging that fact.


Maybe use return instead of StartupQuery.abort(); in PersistentRegistryManager.

private static <T> void loadPersistentDataToStagingRegistry(boolean injectFrozenData, Map<ResourceLocation, Map<ResourceLocation, Integer[]>> remaps, LinkedHashMap<ResourceLocation, Map<ResourceLocation, Integer>> missing, Map.Entry<ResourceLocation, GameDataSnapshot.Entry> snapEntry, Class<T> regType)
ResourceLocation registryName = snapEntry.getKey();
//Translate old names
if ("fml:blocks".equals(registryName.toString())) registryName = PersistentRegistryManager.BLOCKS;
else if ("fml:items".equals(registryName.toString())) registryName = PersistentRegistryManager.ITEMS;
else if ("fmlgr:villagerprofessions".equals(registryName.toString())) registryName = VillagerRegistry.PROFESSIONS;
FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<T> currentRegistry = PersistentRegistry.ACTIVE.getRegistry(registryName, regType);
if (currentRegistry == null)
FMLLog.severe("An unknown persistent registry type \"%s\" has been encountered. This Forge instance cannot understand it.", registryName);


If there is a way for me to remove the registry manually, I would be happy to do it.


Log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9453650154d56474e3cd712d7c4932c6


Thank you for the work you do on Forge.


1) Forge is the one who creates and controls all of those registries, not Minecraft

2) Downgrading vanilla worlds *might* work, but with their new world fixer system i'm honestly not sure.

3) That registry in question SHOULD exist unless you've derped something up that is causing the FML pre-init event to not fire...


So what are you doing?

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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I tried installing all the different versions between Forge 1826 an 1846. The server started in each version. It did not run in 1846. On a whim, I tried 1853 and it worked.


I don't know why it was having problems but for now, it is working on 1853.




Fwiw I was having the same problem with something about a Villager:villageprofessions but the update to 1853 fixed that issue as well.

Talk to me like one of your developers.


Ya fry derped up and killed the FML/Forge mod for the server. We've fixed it and it all should go correctly now.

I've verified this myself with the latest build.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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