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Is it worth it?


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So basically I have this fairly large mod that I was working on.  Spent countless hours on it, countless hours learning the ins and outs how to make mobs how to do render custom blocks etc the whole works.  This is a large mod.  Every time an update happens its hours to go through and fix everything. I kept the mod up to date until 1.7 but the upgrade to 1.8 seemed really to knock the wind out of my sails. I have tons of custom rendered blocks on top of everything else like mobs and world gen etc. 


I wonder if it is worth it to even begin to try and update the mod all the  way to 1.9.  If I did I imagine by the time I get there the next version will be out and the mojang programmers will probably rewrite and make stuff even more difficult.  Ive noticed the amount of mods are shrinking as Im sure plenty of people are tired of constantly having to completely recode their mods in some cases.  (Also please do not take this the wrong way, my complaints have nothing to do with Forge and the people who spend even more time then I can ever imagine updating Forge to deal with these completely rewritten parts of Minecraft.  You guys are champions. )


I just don't want to let the mod go unfinished and unreleased tho, I spent many many many hours and I believe people would really love it. 


How long does it take to get familiar with the new json system of rendering blocks?  Once familiar with it, is it easier than the previous rendering system? 


Does anyone else feel kind of exhausted and defeated?  Guess Im kinda just hoping for a pep talk lol.  Sorry for the ramble.


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I personally would recommend updating to 1.9 and then to 1.9.2.

Changes between those two will not be THAT large and most certailny worthier (is it a word?) than doing 1.8.9 and then 1.9+.


Between 1.7.10 and 1.8.x there is a hellish path through updating all rendering code.


Then between 1.8.9 and 1.9 there is yet again - next model update which basically removes quite some things that Forge added for modders in 1.8.x, but vanilla added it later in 1.9 (basically just when you are done with updating to 1.8.9 Forge IBakedModel formats, you have to rewrite most of IModelBaked to new 1.9 vanilla format which "replicate" what forge did in 1.8.x).


So yeah - if any, I'd go straight to 1.9.



* 1.7.10 can be called ancient at this moment, sure it still has users, but there were a LOT of nice things added in 1.8+.

* Model system is nice, very clean if you ask me. Keeps everything somewhat "flatter" (clearer) than old ways of rendering.

* Code is kinda much more readable, you have generics, docs, "better" names.

* New hooks for many things (most of old hacky ways can be now replaced with nice short code).

* Forge Capabilities - hell, this is godly powerful. If you use ItemStack-dependend data handling - you will be pleased. E.g: You can have "IEEP-like" (IExtendedEntityProperties) on ItemStacks (load/save NBT only once and normally, e.g per tick, you can operate on anything you want).

* Plenty more, really worth it.

* Additional: 1.7.10 is not only ancient in terms of Forge. E.g: Bukkit is "dead" and now most ppl start going with Sponge - which is API based on Forge 1.8+. Future is bright for compatibility, clear non-hacky modding and server side mods.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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You say the mod has its history, it might be good to freshen some code.


I'd just make new project and copy-update file after file. Starting from Main, Blocks and Items, through Entities, Tiles, Events, finishing at Rendering (making some helper methods and abstraction on the way).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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I honestly think it's worth it. Although, I have seen with several poplular mods is that people want to play with all thier favorite mods together. A lot of popular mods are not to 1.9, and most are still on 1.7.10-1.8. It's honestly up to you. Although, it may take some time to sort out the .json files.

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