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[1.8.9] Mob Break Blocks / Mobs Climb Over Each Other.


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New to Forge and Modding.  I am trying to create some specific mob behavior and not finding any solutions via search and wondering if someone could set me on the right path.


Mob Destroys Blocks


I've found some information on this topic.  Suggesting that you just convert the target block to an Air block.  But I'm not clear the best practice for accomplishing this.  Is this done via an EventHandler, a custom AI Task or inside some "onUpdate" (or similar method) in the Entity Class.  (For reference, I am using a custom Mob that extends EntityZombie)


Mobs Climb Over Each Other.


This behavior would ideally be that when mobs hit a wall trying to get to the player, they change their vertical position and "climb" up one another until the pile gets to the top of the wall (If you've seen the movie World War Z).  Thus far I tried Override on the "collideWithNearbyEntities" method, but that doesn't seem to be getting called.  My hope was that I would, on collide, just move the mob up and over the mob it collides with.


Any help would be appreciated.  Even just suggestion of directions I should go.


As I said, I am new, so I'm not clear on what the best practice is for where to put my custom code.



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Agreed on the custom AI Task.  You should poll the target block's hardness and compare to whatever tool the mob is using (if any, which includes "I want it to break as if it had an iron pickaxe") and then store the time spent breaking (look at the existing usages for getHardness to locate how vanilla/Forge calculates the time-to-break (or this section on the wiki)).  When the task calculates that the block was broken, do the on-broken stuff (drop the block, replace it with air, etc.)


Be sure to follow vanilla and Forge conventions so chests drop their items and so on.  The series of calls are easily located using the find-references feature.

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