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So I am trying to make a TileEntity send data from the server to the client but when the packets arrive they are empty. I have registered the TileEntity, do I need to register anything to do with the network?


The packets do, however, work when the TileEntity loads initially, it just doesn't work when updated.


public Packet<?> getDescriptionPacket()
NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
if (this.hasStoredBlock())
	NBTTagCompound stored = new NBTTagCompound();
	stored.setString("name", storedBlock.getItem().getRegistryName().toString());
	stored.setInteger("meta", storedBlock.getItemDamage());
	stored.setInteger("amount", storeAmount);
	tag.setTag("storedBlock", stored);
return new SPacketUpdateTileEntity(this.getPos(), this.getBlockMetadata(), tag);

public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, SPacketUpdateTileEntity pkt)


Okay - got it working. Somehow. But now I have a strange issue:


It will not update when I right click (I call


), but will update whenever I left click in creative or survival (It wont break in creative)


markDirty only indicates that the data has changed and will need to be saved to disk when the next save() cycle runs.  It does not indicate that the data needs to be synced to the client.  IIRC, you want World#markBlockForUpdate()

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

  On 4/20/2016 at 3:48 PM, Draco18s said:

markDirty only indicates that the data has changed and will need to be saved to disk when the next save() cycle runs.  It does not indicate that the data needs to be synced to the client.  IIRC, you want World#markBlockForUpdate()


Do you mean


? That requires a lot of stuff like a Chunk, two IBlockStates and integer flags, in addition to a BlockPos.




is what I wanted - I have no idea how to use it though. Why do I want to pass in the old IBlockState - or is that a supposed to be a blank object which will have its values copied onto by the IBlockState? Same goes for why I need to pass in a chunk object - is that the chunk the block is in? If so, why is that not calculated by the BlockPos I passed in?


And as for the flags, no idea what to pass there. Checking the code just reveals a load of magic numbers - I just passed in Integer.MAX_VALUE to be safe.


The one line comment is no help, either.


Here we go again... xD


getDescriptionPacket() and onDataPacket() is used by internals only in one case (generally speaking) - when block is loaded by given client and server sends data about it, it (obviously) knows that this block has TileEntity and sends it too using those methods.


This update happens only when block is loaded (first packet) or when you tell it (block) to update.

This is why it requires few of mentioned fields.


Generally speaking - if you don't need to send something, you don't do it. And what I mean by that is that if you need to update NOT ALL of values held by TileEntity, you don't send ALL. You use SNW and IMessage and send: x/y/z and data (not even NBT). On client you get TE in x/y/z and update it.

End. Of. Story.


Anything that you do that is not needed is sign of poor or bad design.


SNW: www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20135.0.html


As to how use markAndNotifyBlock - in this case it is quite bad in my opinion, but as to params - just look at callbacks :o


1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

  On 4/20/2016 at 6:40 PM, Ernio said:

Here we go again... xD


getDescriptionPacket() and onDataPacket() is used by internals only in one case (generally speaking) - when block is loaded by given client and server sends data about it, it (obviously) knows that this block has TileEntity and sends it too using those methods.


This update happens only when block is loaded (first packet) or when you tell it (block) to update.

This is why it requires few of mentioned fields.


Generally speaking - if you don't need to send something, you don't do it. And what I mean by that is that if you need to update NOT ALL of values held by TileEntity, you don't send ALL. You use SNW and IMessage and send: x/y/z and data (not even NBT). On client you get TE in x/y/z and update it.

End. Of. Story.


Anything that you do that is not needed is sign of poor or bad design.


SNW: www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20135.0.html


As to how use markAndNotifyBlock - in this case it is quite bad in my opinion, but as to params - just look at callbacks :o


I know - I am now going to get it to only send the data which it needs to send - the entire point of this was GETTING it to send, which I have now achieved. Not quite sure how I did it, but I did it.


However - that does present a question: What methods are employed to prevent the resending of redundant information? Currently I have two boolean values which are set prior to marking it for an update and are true by default (and reset to true after sending it). I believe this should send the appropriate information.

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