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Interesting phenomenon with GL11.translateD()


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So recently I've been messing around with rendering things that are millions of blocks away from the actual player; and I noticed this strange effect occurring with the distant renders after doing the GL11.translate().


Half the time polygons were disappearing, the other half the time the models were shaking around! Even rotating the camera caused this shake. Now I eventually fixed this using VertexBuffer.setTranslation(); but I just wanted to know why.


Why does a (very) far away object freak out when you render it?

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I think its because of the inconsistency of the mc positions? I once had a severe issue with moving polygons rendered from the mc particle system. The problem was that the players/camera position is updated/moved during rendering meaning the data passed to the render code is not valid anymore.


Now I dont know if you use the players position at all, but for me the solution was to get the players position actively instead of using the passed values. But again I dont know if you use the camera/player position at all.


Aslo when messing around with that stuff, a small offset(on the screen) for a polygon 1 block away is almost not noticable, while that same small offset for the millions blocks away polygon may have a much bigger impact. Especially if you are able to stroke it on your enviroment.


Besides keep in mind that your polygon might be smaller than one pixel. Which can also create unespected result.


Anyway just some thoughts about this problem, tbh I dont know the exact problem, though I hope this was helpfull.



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This has nothing to do with Minecraft's "inconsistencies."  It's called floating point error.

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that might play a role in the story as well, although I thought that java has 'fixed' that problem with its own implementation.

But at the same time openGL handles almost everything in its native library, so that wouldn't help verry much :P.



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I thought that java has 'fixed' that problem with its own implementation


It's own implementation of what? And how would Minecraft "override" that implementation if it is built in Java?

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I thought that java has 'fixed' that problem with its own implementation


It's own implementation of what? And how would Minecraft "override" that implementation if it is built in Java?


nvm, I got confused with something else.



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