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[1.9.4][ClientMod] Problem with rendering strings


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when i render my strings from a resource and resize the window it writes it all again in a diffrent location and keeps the lines from before as well...


im probably missing something really really stupid...


Part of code:

public abstract class InfoGuiScreenMod extends GuiScreen
    private static int lineHeight = 0;
    protected abstract String GetInfo();
    protected abstract Object GetReturn();
    private List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float f) {
        GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 0F, 1F);
        drawCenteredString(mc.fontRendererObj, "ElytraMC Enhancer Mod", width / 2, 30, 0xFF6600);
        drawCenteredString(mc.fontRendererObj, "by SHsuperCM", width / 2, 40, 0xFF6600);
        drawCenteredString(mc.fontRendererObj, "Info", width / 2, 60, 0xffffffff);
        lineHeight = 0;
        for(String strLine : lines){
        super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, f);
        DrawTooltipScreen(mouseX, mouseY);
    public void initGui(){
        this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(200,width / 2 - 100,height - 30,"Back"));

        try {
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mc.getResourceManager().getResource(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, "Info/" + GetInfo() + ".guiInfo")).getInputStream()));
            String strLine;
            while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null){
        }catch(Exception e){


and i was also thinking that there is something to do with the


method that


adds.. but i dont know what im doing wrong...

Doing stuff n' things

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What is this?

DrawTooltipScreen(mouseX, mouseY);


At least post full code.


More description/screen would be nice too.


#onResize is same shit as #initGui (onResize is top-layer which calls other stuff).



* You should be clearing your list on initGui if you plan on refilling it again.

* Why no one uses "this" god dammit? Code is so much clearer/readable that way.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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What is this?

DrawTooltipScreen(mouseX, mouseY);


At least post full code.

this is another part of the GuiScreen extension and i did not put what it refered to because i wasn't focusing on that.


#onResize is same shit as #initGui (onResize is top-layer which calls other stuff).


* You should be clearing your list on initGui if you plan on refilling it again.

thanks very much for letting me know, i wasn't aware that init is happening when i do that, i was thinking that init happend only once and thats why i did not think of clearing the list which seems to solve it, i knew i did something really dumb...


* Why on uses "this" god dammit? Code is so much clearer/readable that way.

i know that i could go without


to do stuff with what im extending from but when i look at it, its a bit easier to understand for example,


that belongs to



and i know that i could clear alot of my mod with that kind of stuff but its not hurting anybody and i as the coder of this like to look at it like that.....


thanks anyways...

Doing stuff n' things

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