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here are some world generation files that I wrote to generate blocks exactly where I wanted them

I reformatted them to be as generic as they can be so, Enjoy and use as you wish!


first one is called WorldGenMinableNearBlock


to use do (new WorldGenMinableNearBlock( blockid to spawn, metadata for that block, the number of blocks, and the block it will spawn near)




import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator;

public class WorldGenMinableNearBlock extends WorldGenerator
    /** The block ID of the ore to be placed using this generator. */
    private int minableBlockId;
    //metadata for spawning
    private int metadata;
    /** The number of blocks to generate. */
    private int numberOfBlocks;
    //block to spawn near, essentially next to
    private int nearBlock;
    public WorldGenMinableNearBlock(int par1, int par2, int par3, int near)
        minableBlockId = par1;
        metadata = par2;
        numberOfBlocks = par3;
        nearBlock = near;

    public boolean generate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4, int par5)
        float f = par2Random.nextFloat() * (float)Math.PI;
        double d = (float)(par3 +  + (MathHelper.sin(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d1 = (float)(par3 +  - (MathHelper.sin(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d2 = (float)(par5 +  + (MathHelper.cos(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d3 = (float)(par5 +  - (MathHelper.cos(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d4 = (par4 + par2Random.nextInt(3)) - 2;
        double d5 = (par4 + par2Random.nextInt(3)) - 2;

        for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfBlocks; i++)
            double d6 = d + ((d1 - d) * (double)i) / (double)numberOfBlocks;
            double d7 = d4 + ((d5 - d4) * (double)i) / (double)numberOfBlocks;
            double d8 = d2 + ((d3 - d2) * (double)i) / (double)numberOfBlocks;
            double d9 = (par2Random.nextDouble() * (double)numberOfBlocks) / 16D;
            double d10 = (double)(MathHelper.sin(((float)i * (float)Math.PI) / (float)numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;
            double d11 = (double)(MathHelper.sin(((float)i * (float)Math.PI) / (float)numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;
            int j = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 - d10 / 2D);
            int k = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 - d11 / 2D);
            int l = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 - d10 / 2D);
            int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 + d10 / 2D);
            int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 + d11 / 2D);
            int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 + d10 / 2D);

            for (int l1 = j; l1 <= i1; l1++)
                double d12 = (((double)l1 + 0.5D) - d6) / (d10 / 2D);

                if (d12 * d12 >= 1.0D)

                for (int i2 = k; i2 <= j1; i2++)
                    double d13 = (((double)i2 + 0.5D) - d7) / (d11 / 2D);

                    if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 >= 1.0D)

                    for (int j2 = l; j2 <= k1; j2++)
                        double d14 = (((double)j2 + 0.5D) - d8) / (d10 / 2D);

                        if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 + d14 * d14 < 1.0D && par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2, j2) == Block.stone.blockID && ((par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2-1, j2) == nearBlock ) || (par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2+1, j2) == nearBlock ) || (par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2, j2+1) == nearBlock )|| (par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2, j2-1) == nearBlock )|| (par1World.getBlockId(l1-1, i2, j2) == nearBlock ) || (par1World.getBlockId(l1+1, i2, j2) == nearBlock ) || ((par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2+1, j2) == this.minableBlockId) && (par1World.getBlockMetadata(l1, i2+1, j2) == this.metadata)) || ((par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2-1, j2) == this.minableBlockId) && (par1World.getBlockMetadata(l1, i2-1, j2) == this.metadata)) || ((par1World.getBlockId(l1-1, i2, j2) == this.minableBlockId) && (par1World.getBlockMetadata(l1-1, i2, j2) == this.metadata)) || ((par1World.getBlockId(l1+1, i2, j2) == this.minableBlockId) && (par1World.getBlockMetadata(l1+1, i2, j2) == this.metadata)) || ((par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2, j2+1) == this.minableBlockId) && (par1World.getBlockMetadata(l1, i2, j2+1) == this.metadata)) || ((par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2, j2-1) == this.minableBlockId) && (par1World.getBlockMetadata(l1, i2, j2-1) == this.metadata)))) 
                        	par1World.setBlockAndMetadata(l1, i2, j2, minableBlockId, metadata);

        return true;




the next one is so that ores will spawn in the nether and this must be ran in the generateNether in a properly formatted world generation file


to run do (new WorldGenMinableNether( Block Id, The metadata for that block, the number of blocks in vein)




import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator;

public class WorldGenMinableNether extends WorldGenerator
    /** The block ID of the ore to be placed using this generator. */
    private int minableBlockId;

    private int metadata;
    /** The number of blocks to generate. */
    private int numberOfBlocks;

    public WorldGenMinableNether(int par1, int par2, int par3)
        minableBlockId = par1;
        metadata = par2;
        numberOfBlocks = par3;

    public boolean generate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4, int par5)
        float f = par2Random.nextFloat() * (float)Math.PI;
        double d = (float)(par3 +  + (MathHelper.sin(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d1 = (float)(par3 +  - (MathHelper.sin(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d2 = (float)(par5 +  + (MathHelper.cos(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d3 = (float)(par5 +  - (MathHelper.cos(f) * (float)numberOfBlocks) / 8F;
        double d4 = (par4 + par2Random.nextInt(3)) - 2;
        double d5 = (par4 + par2Random.nextInt(3)) - 2;

        for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfBlocks; i++)
            double d6 = d + ((d1 - d) * (double)i) / (double)numberOfBlocks;
            double d7 = d4 + ((d5 - d4) * (double)i) / (double)numberOfBlocks;
            double d8 = d2 + ((d3 - d2) * (double)i) / (double)numberOfBlocks;
            double d9 = (par2Random.nextDouble() * (double)numberOfBlocks) / 16D;
            double d10 = (double)(MathHelper.sin(((float)i * (float)Math.PI) / (float)numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;
            double d11 = (double)(MathHelper.sin(((float)i * (float)Math.PI) / (float)numberOfBlocks) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;
            int j = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 - d10 / 2D);
            int k = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 - d11 / 2D);
            int l = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 - d10 / 2D);
            int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 + d10 / 2D);
            int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 + d11 / 2D);
            int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 + d10 / 2D);

            for (int l1 = j; l1 <= i1; l1++)
                double d12 = (((double)l1 + 0.5D) - d6) / (d10 / 2D);

                if (d12 * d12 >= 1.0D)

                for (int i2 = k; i2 <= j1; i2++)
                    double d13 = (((double)i2 + 0.5D) - d7) / (d11 / 2D);

                    if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 >= 1.0D)

                    for (int j2 = l; j2 <= k1; j2++)
                        double d14 = (((double)j2 + 0.5D) - d8) / (d10 / 2D);

                        if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 + d14 * d14 < 1.0D && par1World.getBlockId(l1, i2, j2) == Block.netherrack.blockID)
                            par1World.setBlockAndMetadata(l1, i2, j2, minableBlockId, metadata);

        return true;




FBalazs's generation API



If you want some generation code done for you I'll gladly do it!


funny thing is that i have no idea how to make a tile entity but this is a breeze for me. lol.


if you know of a good tile entity tutorial, video if possible, please point me toward it


FBalazs I made this a list and added your api to it


Also to the person 2 posts above this, i'm afraid that this can't be done with my current level of expertise, in other words i havn't learned how to read from schematic files yet

however i might do this after i learn that because i have been wanting to use something like that for some time now

  • 3 weeks later...

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