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[1.10]How to Walkthroughable Block


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Hello Dear Forum,


i would like to as me ... how can i make an "Walkthroughable Block" ...


i mean , this here is a normal block class:


public class BlockUpdateClass extends Block
  public BlockUpdateClass(Material materialIn)


is there any function which makes that what i would like to :o?

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Look at any vanilla block you can walk through. Look for any method that returns AxisAlignedBB.

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Look at any vanilla block you can walk through. Look for any method that returns AxisAlignedBB.




well im searching for the "Vamilla" code for "Clouds" ...


i tryed to extend my class to "BlockCloud" but there is none :x


now i gtg to work. hopefully i get an answer until then :P


thanks anyway!

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There is no cloud block in vanilla.





both allow the player to pass through the block.


"BlockBush" Work perfectly, thank you very much!


last question is,


i want to make instead a "FireEntity" a "FireBlock" , is there any way to add sound/Firedamage on the block? :o


i mean, "Cactus" is doing damage on touching it , so i would search for customcactus and change the normal damage to "firedamage" right?

and the sound, im sure there is a function for :o

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