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[1.10.2] [SOLVED] Event stops working after relog


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I created an event to stop people from breaking specifically named chests. The even works find until i log out and back in again. It then no longer works.


Code for filling and naming the tile entity.


public static void fillInventoryChest(int x, int y, int z, World world, int itemID, int amount, int meta, int slot)
	BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(x,y,z);

	Item item = new Item();
	item = Item.getItemById(itemID);

	ItemStack i = new ItemStack(item, amount, meta); 


	TileEntityChest te = (TileEntityChest)world.getTileEntity(blockPos);
	te.setInventorySlotContents(slot, i);
	te.setCustomName("Test Chest");

	LockCode code = new LockCode("displayName");



Code for the event


public void NoBlockBreaking(BlockEvent.BreakEvent event)
		World world = event.getWorld();
		BlockPos blockPos = event.getPos();
		TileEntityChest te = (TileEntityChest)world.getTileEntity(blockPos);

		if(te.getName()=="Test Chest")




registering the even


    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event)
    	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ModEvents());


Anyone know what i'm missing? Thanks in advance.

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So i did some further testing and i'm now thinking this is either a Minecraft bug, a Forge bug, or some kind of lack of understanding something on my part.


here's my debugging code


@SubscribeEvent (priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void NoBlockBreaking(BlockEvent.BreakEvent event)
		System.out.println("Inside IF");
		World world = event.getWorld();
		BlockPos blockPos = event.getPos();
		TileEntityChest te = (TileEntityChest)world.getTileEntity(blockPos);

		String boxName = te.getName();
		String name = "Test Chest";

		System.out.println("te.getName" + boxName + "is there a space?");
		System.out.println("String" + name + "is there a space?");

		if(boxName == name)

			System.out.println("about to cancel");




The text output from the first test - spawn the chest into the world and try to break it. The first time it's spawned it works properly. i cannot break the chest.

[01:54:52] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:19]: test
[01:54:52] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:22]: Inside IF
[01:54:52] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:30]: te.getNameTest Chestis there a space?
[01:54:52] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:31]: StringTest Chestis there a space?
[01:54:52] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:36]: about to cancel


Now i log out and back in and here's the output. I try to break the chest and it breaks just fine. It's not supposed to.


[01:56:23] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:19]: test
[01:56:23] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:22]: Inside IF
[01:56:23] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:30]: te.getNameTest Chestis there a space?
[01:56:23] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [com.bongotezz.tutorialmod.events.ModEvents:NoBlockBreaking:31]: StringTest Chestis there a space?


It's exactly the same except the chest now breaks and the last println is not called. For some reason after i log out and back in the IF statement fails even though the 2 strings are the same.


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I don't know much in the way of what's wrong with your current issue, but as an alternative you could try saving and loading the String you want in the tile entity's NBT, instead of using TileEntity#setCustomName, which seems to be more future proof, as I went to investigate that method, and couldn't find it in the TileEntity class for 1.11 (which is what I am currently working with).

Developing the Spiral Power Mod .


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I don't know much in the way of what's wrong with your current issue, but as an alternative you could try saving and loading the String you want in the tile entity's NBT, instead of using TileEntity#setCustomName, which seems to be more future proof, as I went to investigate that method, and couldn't find it in the TileEntity class for 1.11 (which is what I am currently working with).


Thanks for your reply. I will now have to learn about NBT. I thought making the chests my mod spawns in unbreakable would be easy but i've had to learn a ton to get this close. Figuring out NBT should be fun. Any good guides you're familiar with?

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What you need to do is call markDirty after setting the bame, as names are saved to the disk, but they need to know they need to be saved.

I don't know much in the way of what's wrong with your current issue, but as an alternative you could try saving and loading the String you want in the tile entity's NBT, instead of using TileEntity#setCustomName, which seems to be more future proof, as I went to investigate that method, and couldn't find it in the TileEntity class for 1.11 (which is what I am currently working with).

setCustomName is a method in TileEntityChest specifically. And it exist is 1.11


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Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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What you need to do is call markDirty after setting the bame, as names are saved to the disk, but they need to know they need to be saved.


I tried markDirty while testing. It came up in my google search. It didn't make any difference because it looks like the name saved. If i read the name even after logging out and in the name is correct. The problem seems to be that after the log out and log in the if statement is not returning true even though it should.

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setCustomName is a method in TileEntityChest specifically. And it exist is 1.11


Ah. That explains then. I wasn't thinking, and only looked in TileEntity.


Thanks for your reply. I will now have to learn about NBT. I thought making the chests my mod spawns in unbreakable would be easy but i've had to learn a ton to get this close. Figuring out NBT should be fun. Any good guides you're familiar with?


The NBT is pretty simple, for both items and tile entities.


You would do something like:


NBTTagCompound myCompound = tileEntity.getTileData();

myCompound.setString("keyToSave", "valueToSave");


Keep in mind TileEntity#getTileData (in 1.11 anyway) specifically checks to see if the NBTTagCompound is null, and if it is, sets it to a new one. You should probably check to make sure it's not null before reading it or writing to it, anyway though.


and to retrieve it later, you would do this:


String myName = myCompound.getString("keyToSave");

Developing the Spiral Power Mod .


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Well, i switched it to NBT and actually made it worse. Now when i press ESC to exit the game it crashes with an error in the AnvilChunckLoader class and highlights this line of code that's not mine.




Maybe i'm not understanding NBT. Here's how i set it up.


public static void fillInventoryChest(int x, int y, int z, World world, int itemID, int amount, int meta, int slot)
	BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(x,y,z);

	Item item = new Item();
	item = Item.getItemById(itemID);

	ItemStack i = new ItemStack(item, amount, meta); 


	TileEntityChest te = (TileEntityChest)world.getTileEntity(blockPos);
	te.setInventorySlotContents(slot, i);

	NBTTagCompound underworld = te.getTileData();
	underworld.setBoolean("underworld", true);

	LockCode code = new LockCode("displayName");

} //end fill chest


and here's how i'm testing for it


public class ModEvents 

@SubscribeEvent (priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void NoBlockBreaking(BlockEvent.BreakEvent event)
		System.out.println("Inside IF");
		World world = event.getWorld();
		BlockPos blockPos = event.getPos();
		TileEntityChest te = (TileEntityChest)world.getTileEntity(blockPos);

		boolean x = false;

		NBTTagCompound underworld;
		underworld = te.getTileData();

		x = underworld.getBoolean("underworld");


			System.out.println("about to cancel");




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This also works


te.getName().equals("Test Chest")


Even though == did not.

No, this is basic Java. You can't compare Strings using


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1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


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