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If you installed using the installer, and used vanilla mojang launcher it'll work.

But a few things to note:

1) 1.7.10 isn't actively supported here anymore, you should update to a modern version they are a lot better.

2) You can copy/paste that text, instead of posting screen shots, it's far more helpful as it's less of a pain for us to read. Esp if it's large amounts of text.

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But I play 1.7.10 a lot

On 2/2/2017 at 8:30 PM, LexManos said:

If you installed using the installer, and used vanilla mojang launcher it'll work.

But a few things to note:

1) 1.7.10 isn't actively supported here anymore, you should update to a modern version they are a lot better.

2) You can copy/paste that text, instead of posting screen shots, it's far more helpful as it's less of a pain for us to read. Esp if it's large amounts of text.

But I play 1.7.10 a lot more than anything else here. Dm me on Twitter please, I really want to play modded mc @Real_Diamond97 my twitter

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